*chapter five*

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She was barely breathing when we pulled her from the water. Sam rushed to my side, ripping part of his shirt to wrap around her wrists in an attempt to stop the bleeding. I tried my best to warm her as I carried her to the Clearwater's. Sue being a nurse would know what to do.
Logically thinking, we should've called an ambulance. But the 72 hour lock up, not having any idea of her age, name, family etc. would make things more complicated. I've never felt a level of fear like this before, sweaty palms and my heart racing. A thousand thoughts in my head all at once. Why would some one so small, so delicate and beautiful try to do this to themselves? What could be so bad that she felt the need the escape in such a dark way?

"She won't need stitches, just bandages. And I don't think she'll wake up until she's much warmer," Sue spoke softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

All I could do was nod, and stare at her. She was so pale and lifeless, so small and fragile looking. Her breathes still soft and long. Sue placed another blanket over her and somewhat wrapped her hair in a towel, she turned the heater to face the girl as well. But with no certainty of how long it'll be until she wakes, I could do nothing but sit in the chair next to the couch and pray for the best.


I thought when I finally did it everything would go black, I never believed the life flashing before your eyes thing. I didn't really think I'd see a light at the end of the tunnel, or any of that junk. I assumed it would all go dark. But it didn't, my thoughts were as potent as ever. I could feel the ocean, the wind, I could see images of trees and rocks - images of the location of which I chose to jump just spinning. But I was unable to move, it felt as though I couldn't breathe. And when I felt as though I was completely slipping, like my brain was finally shutting off, I heard voices. Male voices. Levels of panic inside me began to skyrocket, but physically I could do nothing. The cold water which had embraced me faded and all I felt was warmth, that's when I felt myself fall asleep.

After what felt like forever, I opened my eyes and had absolutely no clue where I was. Wooden walls, heavy floral blankets on top of me, pictures of wolves and a small family lining the wall next to me. And a huge, muscular man sitting in the chair just three feet away. My heartbeat quickened, I tried to sit up but there was an overwhelming pain in my wrists...I had forgotten about that.

"Honey, honey", a woman said as she approached me, "everything is okay. My name is Sue Clearwater, you were pulled from the ocean by a couple of our tribe members. Don't push yourself too much."

I pulled my eyebrows together confused, "W..Why am I here? Tribe? I thought I was..."
I trailed off and looked down, I thought I was dead. I hoped I was dead. But looking into her soft brown eyes, I knew that wasn't the case. My father was right, I can't do anything right - not even suicide.
I tried to sit up again, pushing myself up with my elbows - Sue helped grabbing underneath my armpits and gently lifting me. I gave her a small smile.

"You're on reservation land, sweetie. You were brought here to be taken care of after you'd been found trying to..well you know. I cleaned the stitches on your eye as well, so they wouldn't get infected. You're very much alive, but gave us a good scare. What is your name?"


Sue continued to ask me questions, and I gave careful responses. She was a kind woman, motherly. Gentle in her questions, caring in her responses and provided me with a safe place to be for now. I appreciated the comfort I found within the walls on her home. I was brought to her by random chance but she didn't once make me feel like a bother in the time we talked. Sue didn't ask too personal of questions, nothing about family or my injuries. Maybe she understood, maybe she didn't want to scare me off. I'm not sure exactly, but it was nice to be seen as a person. Not a victim of my own self destructive circumstances.
There was movement in the chair, he began to wake and stretch. I fell silent despite Sue attempting to continue our conversation. He had huge muscles, short brown hair, jean shorts and no shirt on. I watched his every move until his eyes landed on mine, my head quickly snapped to my hands.

"So sweetie, physically it seems like you're okay," Sue spoke and I lifted my eyes again to meet hers, "but I think taking you to the hospital would be best."

My eyes went wide, "No, no hospital. I'm fine, I won't try it again. Just let me go home, please."

I stood up grabbing my shoes from the floor next to me, and pulling off the blanket Sue had placed on me. Sue didn't jump up to stop me, I think she was stunned at my reaction - but he did. He jumped to his feet reaching for the upper part of my arm while barking at me to stop. I ducked from his grasp and proceeded out the door. Hoping this would be the last time I saw any of them.

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