Chapter 18.3: Scars

Start from the beginning

"I did not do it out of hate or spite. You were the last piece of Harun left, but I could not raise you.  Not with the love and care meant for a child. Forgive me for that. I will give you what you want. You wish to learn, yes?" 

Ari nodded yes, words too stuck in his throat to claw their way to surface. 

"In exchange, forget about Auovin and Cyrus and Nolan. Focus only on this." When Ylanan flipped to a page, Ari was in shock at what picture and words lie in front of him. 

Ari traced his finger around the image of himself, too dumbstruck to say much else. He looked different and a smidge older, but the same, nonetheless. He was in a gold and elegant garment that did not match the time period now. It had such extravagant embellishments and detail that was unlike anything he had seen other than the times when he was lost in the labyrinth. 

"I will teach you about who you once were and what you can become now."

"And Kaval?" Ari looked away from the book and into Ylanan's bright golden eyes. 

Ylanan squinted before tilting his head as if in deep thought. Soon he turned and looked at Inge who continued his incessant tapping on the table. 

"That devil tried to kill me," Inge hissed. 

"Do not throw around insults. It is not conducive." 

"Well, what else do you want me to call him?" There was a bite in Inge's words, but Ylanan seemed to ignore it. 

"I cannot forget about him," Ari interjected. 

"Then do not," Ylanan said facing Ari this time which made Ari tense. "But do not think this will be easy." 

"I will not." 

"What will you do with the knowledge after you have acquired it?" 

"I do not know. Not right now, I do not." 

"Will you go after him?"

"After who?"

"Auovin, do not play dumb," Inge said causing Sascha to nudge him only for Inge to slap their hand away. 

"Sin," Ylanan answered. 

"Yes, I swore I would. He tricked—"

"Do not be impulsive and filled with emotion. Think on your words and actions, Ari. Once you do, come to me with an answer then."

"Kaval means much to me."

"I see that, but things are not always what they seem. You will see. You will see and you will wish to be blind." 

"... I understand."

"If you seek Sin then you will need Auovin." 

Ari whipped his head towards him in surprise and narrowed his eyes in defiance of ever working with him. 

"Settle down. Settle down. The next time you see him... you will be different. Much different than you are now."

Ari blinked away from him then, unsure. He wanted to change some aspects of himself,  yes, but not so much that he would be an entire new person. That was not what he wanted. 

"That is what you want, yes?" Ylanan clasped his chin in hand and brought him close, too close for his comfort. It disarmed him, his eyes, much like Auovin's if he caught himself staring for too long.  

"Not entirely, no." 

"Then what is it that you want? Knowledge and power?"

Ari shook his head yes.

"And you do not think that does not come with a price?" Ylanan gazed at him in silence when no answer came. 

"Listen and listen carefully, Ari, everything has its price." 

"I know this."

"You can have your knowledge and power, but only if you pay its price, whatever it may be. So I ask you again now, is this what you want?"


"Then a Daeva is what you must become." Ylanan pointed to the picture. "Again." 


"Daevas are what they are. Is what I am. And what flows in in your veins is the blood of a Daeva as well." 

"Become a god and what you ask for shall be yours." 



Surprise after surprise, huh?? Auovin seemed to be a bit of the bad guy. But what Ylanan says rings true. Not everything is as it seems. Ari may have gotten his questions answered, but what will he do and what will he become now AND at what price? Questions questions. Most surprisingly of all is Ylanan.  Who woulda thought, aye? 

Who else is curious how Ari and Auovin's/Cyrus' interactions will be after he is armed with the knowledge and power to hold his own? 🤔 

Tell me your thoughts and feels!

*huffs* Finally, by the end of this year (2024), I plan to make Daevas available for print and ebook! Yes, I will have glorious character art, stickers, and bookmarks that are SFW and NSFW for Ari and all of his many men. More details later! Currently working on editing/revisions before sending it off to an editor!

Hope you all are excited as I am! 🤪

❤️❤️❤️I thank every last stinkin' one you for all the love and support this book has gotten. I have fallen in love with the characters as well as gushing about them all with you guys. You helped me throughout the years, months, weeks and days to finish this. I may write an epilogue to give you guys an idea on what to expect. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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