Chapter 2 He's So Fine

Start from the beginning

The panic from losing him earlier was receding, and I even stifled a giggle as Loaf gave pointers on when to release the coins as if he were passing over the secrets of the universe.

"Trust me Charlie, I'm not a tourist I live here." Loaf informed him.

"You live in an arcade?" Charlie's eyes widened.

"I spend more time here than my own place so I may as well. Your sister obviously isn't from round here, where do you guys live? Are you staying at the holiday park?"

"No I'm at Nonna's and Granddad's house all summer and Jay's in the garden. My Daddy and Jay are bloody Yanks," he parroted a phrase he'd obviously heard many times before.

"That's enough Charlie," I warned him.

"Don't blame him, I'm the one interrogating," Loaf acknowledged "which I wouldn't have to do if you gave me the time of day, I know you're out of my league, but still."

I felt a twinge of guilt, I'm always standoffish, it's been my go to response for so long now it's hard to be anything else. I gave him a sheepish grin and he ran with it, lighting up like a Christmas tree.

"Ah, maybe your sister does love me after all, what do you think Charlie?"

I grinned wider I couldn't help myself. I definitely did not find Loaf attractive and found the idea funny. I then chastised myself for how bitchy that was and felt uncomfortable again.

"Nah, Jay doesn't like anybody anybody cept me, but I'm gord-eous. "

"Come on Charlie, we really do have to go now or your mom will kill me."

Charlie worried his bottom lip,a habit he'd picked up from me. Loaf backed off enough for me to get Charlie down and almost out into the sun before we heard him singing out loudly behind us;

"Oh OK, seeing as you're American and don't understand how it works over here, I'll give you my number, although I don't give it out to just anybody though."

I threw him a worried look over my shoulder, people were beginning to notice and he just laughed.

"OK, OK, you win, I'll meet you tomorrow same time, same place. Women sheesh, it seems my charm works for all nationalities."


"Where the hell have you been?" My stepmother demanded.

That's new, Isabella worried?

"Patrick and Nonna have managed to get an earlier flight and they wanted to see Charles before they left."

Ah, not exactly worried then, still just keeping up appearances.

I really couldn't see Isabella's parents giving a damn if they saw their only grandchild or not. We had only just arrived this morning and it seemed they were already leaving. We had spent the last three summers staying at their house in The Bays on Greysea Island and each year the time they spent at this particular residence got shorter and shorter. Not that I blamed them, the atmosphere between my Dad and Isabella was strained to say the least, but then he spent less time here with us than they did. Isabella had to have got her selfish streak from somewhere I supposed, but leaving the very same day we arrived was a new record even for them.

"What time are they off then?"

"You've just missed them, which is all rather convenient isn't it?" Isabella hissed "I wouldn't put it past you to have come home late deliberately. I mean, after all they not your real grandparents are they?" She sneered.

I couldn't be late as I wasn't given a time to be back by. It was no use trying to defend myself when she was like this. Isabella was neurotic. I absolutely hated that word, especially against my own sex, I mean how often is it used to describe a guy? Yet, unfortunately, in this instance it was true. We were both riddled with worry, but whereas my anxiety gnawed away at my insides, she let hers project out, flying off to find blame and latch onto wherever or whomever it wanted, so that she could feel better.

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