"Those are too precious to damage," she says, her face still turned away from him. She knows that's the only reason she was brave enough to say something like that.

   "Thank you for that." Chris stands up and moves close to Opal, his chest to her back. "I will get you back though."

  "Promises, promises," she says while looking over her shoulder at him. He gives a quiet growl as he leans forward and bites her earlobe sending her into a fit of laughter. "Get back to work. Or do you need a cold shower?" 

   "Tease," he mutters under his breath.

   Opal doesn't take the name calling personal since he knows the commitment she made to herself after the last one night stand. "Every chance I get when it comes to you, Officer Evans."

   Chris groans again at the sound of her calling him Officer Evans. "If you get that turned on by Officer Evans, what's gonna happen when you make Sargent?" she asks playfully.

   "Hope that it's not until after we're married," he says, not missing a beat. He says it as if it's the most natural thing in the world, not as though we've only been dating for a few weeks. "Because it's already taking all I can to control myself when you say Officer."

   Opal feels a familiar feeling start to rise in her chest at his admission.  She breathes deeply, an attempt to keep her anxiety in check. It's too early to be having these types of conversations, right? Before she can get too far into a panic attack Chris' phone goes off. He steps just out of the closet to answer it. 

   Opal listens to the one sided conversation. 

   "Now? Yeah, okay. I'll be there in thirty," he says just before hanging up.  He turns back to see Opal watching him. "I have to go. I'm sorry. You don't need to keep working on this. Why don't you pick a movie and go ahead to bed."

   She notices his demeanor is different after this phone call than previous ones. He almost seems panicked. She can't help but worry at the change as she watches him change out of his shirt, replacing the white v-neck with a black crew collared t-shirt. It's the first time she's seen him shirtless, and assumes that he didn't even realize he was changing in front of her, until he takes his jeans and his holster off a shelf and leaves to go to the half bath. Opal noticed more ink than what she had expected, having only seen a small bit of writing off of his collarbone the night at the fire pits. 

   Opal moves out to the living room to wait for him in order to say goodbye. When he comes out of the bathroom she notices his hair is now gelled back. He's in complete black clothing, even grabbing a black ball cap as well from the bar countertop. She can sense a strong focus radiating off of him, afraid that her presence may be disruptive to it Opal moves to stand in the doorway of the bedroom. She watches him grab his keys, wallet and watch off of the table by the door. He sits to lace up his black boots. 

   She notices him take a pause after completing the last tie, his head resting for just a moment in his hands before he brushes off his pants and stands pushing the chair back into the table. He double checks his pockets once more, readjusts where his gun sits at the small of his back under his shirt. 

   "Be careful," she whispers from her spot by the bedroom. He lifts his eyes to hers as he takes the few steps to reach her. This time it's Chris that initiates the passion and urgency behind the kiss. 

  He pulls back, continuing to hold her in the palms of his hands. His gaze is intense, words sitting on his tongue, desiring to come out but he holds them back. "Get some rest. I'll be back as soon as I can." He places another soft kiss against her lips before walking away and out the apartment door. 

  Opal finds herself planted in the same spot a few minutes longer, holding herself with her arms, leaning against the doorframe, staring silently at the door she just watched Chris leave through. Closing her eyes, Opal says a silent prayer just as her own cell alerts her to a text message.

Laura- Chris leave too?

Opal- Yeah. This one seemed different Laura.

Laura- I had the same thought. I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Talk tomorrow?

Opal- Yeah.

   Opal tries to take Chris' advice and flips through the television stations in an attempt to find a movie or some type of show to take her mind off of what's happening. For the next hour she goes between New Girl and Seinfeld, unable to keep her focus on either one. She gets out of bed and moves back to the closet, deciding to try and complete the task they started earlier. 

   Picking up a sweater that managed to slip off a hanger, Opal sees a small square box. Picking it up she notices it's dark blue and velvet. She's tempted to open it, but then knows that would be considered snooping and she doesn't want Chris to be upset with her. She pulls the corner of her mouth in between her teeth as the box rests in her hand. It looks like a maybe an earring box or even a ring box. 

  Opal shakes her head, pushing thoughts out of her mind before sitting the box on a shelf and going back to straightening up the mess. 

  An hour later she's pleased with the results and goes to turn off the closet light. Before she does though, her eyes settle back on the box. Reaching out she takes it into her hand once more before walking out and back to the bedroom. She sits on the edge of the midnight blue sheets, staring at her hands. She moves her fingers into position to open the box, hoping that Chris forgives her for being nosey. 

   Her breath catches in her chest as she sees a single solitaire diamond engagement ring.

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