chapter 43 - first kisses

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(all of the Italian comes from google translate so I know it's all completely wrong)

the next week had been bumpy, with ava still worried they were planning to get rid of her and Maya and carina not being able to calm her down all the way. 

ava spoke with her therapist in the next session and told her about what she thought they were going to do and she managed to calm her down a bit by explaining that now she's legally adopted, they can't get rid of her at the drop of a hat even if they wanted to so she doesn't have to worry about being thrown out randomly. 

Maya's POV

"you're so pretty," carina says to me as we're cuddled up watching tv, ava across from us

"Sei la persona più sexy che abbia mai visto" she says as ava chokes on her drink

"What?" I ask her

"Nothing, just went down the wrong hole" she said

"Voglio baciarti così tanto e voglio farti urlare il mio nome tutta la notte" she carries on

"Ok, ti lascio dirle che è sexy, ma non voglio sentire cose del genere, (I'll let you tell her she's pretty, but I don't want to hear about things like that)" ava says as we both look at her shocked

"Tu parli italiano?, (you speak Italian?)," carina asks as I just watch them, confused

"Si, me l'ha insegnato mia madre, (yes, my mom taught me)," ava says

"Quindi capisci tutto quello che dico in italiano, (so you understand everything I say in Italian?),"

"sì, e la maggior parte delle volte è semplicemente carino ma cose del genere sono molto difficili da sentire, (yes and most of the time it's just cute, but things like that are just hard to hear),"

"Non ricordo l'ultima volta che ho avuto una conversazione in italiano, (I can't remember the last time I had a converstation in Italian),"

"Non hai una famiglia con cui parli?,(you don't have any family you speak to?),"

"No, ho parlato solo con mia madre, (no, I only ever spoke to my mama),"

"Bene ora mi hai, parlerò italiano quando vuoi ma in questo momento penso che dovremmo tornare in inglese perché maya sembra incapace, (well now you have me, i will speak Italian when you want but right now i think we should go back to English because maya seems clueless),"

"what's going on?" maya asks

"Our daughter speaks Italian" carina smiles

"Ooh, tell me what she said," I say as they look at each other

"I'd rather not," ava said

"Oh my god, what did you say?" I ask carina who is hiding her face behind a pillow

"She said that you're sexy," ava says

"that's it, why are you freaking out?" I laugh

"She also said she wants to kiss you...," ava says before making a disgusted face

"What?" I smile

"She wants to make you... scream her name" ava says quickly before making a vomit face

"Oh my god, carina!" I say, looking at carina who is face-first on the couch

"Neither of you were supposed to know what I was saying!"

"Wait, what about when you asked what Bella and Bambina meant?" I ask, remembering when she first stayed with us

"I was just checking you knew," she said slyly

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