chapter 38 - a gun

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Maya's POV

"If they try anything-," I start as we walk into the hospital. It was carina, ava, bailey, ben, dean, Vic, and I

"Then we leave" carina finishes

We walk through the hospital and go into the same room as before. It is already full of surgeons, the ones whose names were put forward to the board, sat at the front as we all went in and stood off to the side

"I'm going to start by saying if this is anything stupid, they won't be sticking around to listen to you," Bailey says as the room falls silent, and everyone stares at us "grey, start"

"Ok, so after a very long discussion about the situation we have all come to the conclusion that what we did may not have been in your best interests," she says

"May not have been?" I ask

"yes" she confirms

"So, you can tell me something good we got out of this?" I say as Meredith stays silent

"We believe that bringing attention to the topic may have helped carina get the support she needed," Owen said

"And what extra support was that?" I ask, not getting angry yet but wanting them to explain to me why they still believed they were right to do what they did

"Well, she's now getting better nutrition through the tube than she was getting without it" he argues

"Yes she is because my daughter and I have to force it down her every night" I confirmed calmly

"Which is what is keeping her alive," he says

"And what is also causing mental damage and trauma," I say as he remains silent again

"We know that we probably went about this the wrong way," Meredith says

"Yes you did," I say

"And we wanted you to know that we're sorry for causing you any trouble" she continues

"Ok, what exactly are you sorry for?" I ask, not getting an answer from anyone

"Go outside with ava," I tell carina

I stand up from leaning against the wall and join bailey at the front of the hall where she is sitting on the ledge of the stage

"Do you want to know exactly what happened after what you did?" I ask calmly as everyone just stares "ok, so, right after you did it, carina freaked out and kept repeating something about calories and how she's had enough and she can't gain weight and told us she wasn't going to have anything else, we went home that night, and she wouldn't move from her bed. She stared at the same spot on the wall for 3 hours I think, until she fell asleep. She woke up the next day and ava and I tried to get her to drink something, even if it was just water, but she wouldn't move, she wouldn't say anything, she was completely frozen." I say as everyone watches me

"By then, I had already been in contact with a professional, knowing that this was going to get bad, and they had told me that if she went 5 days without having anything then she would need to have a feeding tube placed, knowing her history with flare-ups. Not only did that scare me, but Ava completely shut herself off and wouldn't talk to anyone. The next day, I had to get Vic round because I needed to get ava out of the house while I was literally begging her to eat or drink anything, even if it was just a mouthful of something. once again, she refused and the next day you could tell she was starting to lose weight, she was numb entirely to the point when she got the tube placed." I continue

"If that wasn't already hard enough, as soon as we left the room after getting it placed, we walked past a group of you who decided it was smart to make fun of her. Jackson, you said she belonged in a facility and that both me and her need to be in the psych ward. Right before that, she finally spoke for the first time in 5 days and had told me that even if she refuses it, to force the feeds down her because she's been in a facility before and it's traumatic. I've been in the psych ward so many times that I've lost count, for overdose, self-harm, suicide attempts, I know I belonged in there, I basically grew up in one but carina? She doesn't belong anywhere like that, and she certainly doesn't belong in a place that would tell her otherwise" I say as everyone sits silently

"So, what exactly are you sorry for because I don't believe that you truly are," I ask

"bishop," Meredith says sadly

"She knows you all hate her by the way, she's not oblivious, she knows that you blame her for her own brother's death. I didn't know carina when that happened, but I was on the scene that day, I saw her there, I saw a distraught sister standing over her dying brother feeling nothing but regret" I say, raising my voice slightly "I heard her when she was desperately yelling for someone to get help while trying to hold pressure on a stab wound on her own brother! How on earth you can try and blame her for that is crazy to me, I don't get it"

"I came to the hospital with her that day too, I listened to her speaking to Andrew while he was in the ambulance, saying she was sorry and that she would rather it be her and when she got here, not one of you came to see if she was ok, instead Meredith I remember you yelling at her, Callie, I specifically remember you telling me to just leave her because she was the one that put herself in that position and she didn't deserve anyone. I did leave her that day, I have no idea what happened afterwards, but she knows that you blame her for it, and she still tells me that it was her fault. I don't think I will ever be able to like you but maybe I won't hate you as much as I do now if you stop messing her life up" I say strongly

"You know how this looks right? For Andrew, you treated him with respect, when you had suspicions about bipolar disorder, you told bailey, you did it in the right way but for carina? You did it behind bailey's back, you intimidated her, you yelled at her, you made her feel worthless, it looks like you saw an excuse to get back at carina for Andrew's death except you didn't just make her upset, you ruined her life. I know that seems extreme, but you did. You ruined her life, you messed up her daughter's life, you messed up mine, she finally got herself back on her own two feet and you just kicked her back down. So well done, and if you truly believe that you did nothing wrong then you're just sad. I'm not going to try and convince you anymore so if you don't agree with me then just don't say anything to her face, keep it to yourself ok?" I finish, looking at the entrance door for the first time and seeing Arizona standing there

"And what on earth do you want," I say quietly

"I'm sorry but Andrews not here right now but someone has to defend his side, it was carina's fault. She shouldn't have let him get on that train, she shouldn't have let him follow her, she should've been the one who was stabbed not him! I get that life's messed up but it's hard for everyone, not just her. If she really hates it enough then just end it for god's sake, go see her brother, stop making everyone else's life hard just because she hates hers" she says

"What did you say?" ava asks who had just walked back in with carina "because if I heard you right, you just told my mom to kill herself" she finishes as everyone stares at her

"No, I didn't mean it like that" Arizona tries to say

"Out!" bailey yells as Arizona just stares at her "I mean it, from this moment on, dr Arizona Robbins you no longer work at this hospital, I'll have security escort you out!"

"Bishop, we're sorry about everything, Arizona shouldn't have said that," Meredith says as the doors burst back open, and we're met by a sight we never thought possible

"no" I whisper

Everyone stays silent as we stare at my dad holding a gun to Arizona's head 


merry Christmas! 

sorry about the cliffhanger 😂

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