chapter 7 - i need you

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Carinas POV

Maya had eventually allowed herself to sleep next to me and I let her do so. If it was anyone else, I would pick them up and move them to the bed so it was comfier, but I knew Maya would be on edge and wanted to respect her boundaries even though she was asleep.

I had eventually fallen asleep on the floor with her and was woken by the sun beaming through the window in front of us. I felt Maya stirring as well and stayed where I was allowing her to wake up.

Neither I nor Maya was working today but we thought we would take the opportunity to go down to the station without worrying about Maya getting a call or me being paged.

Mayas POV

I had woken up in the same position I was in last night and suddenly felt bad when I realized carina had stayed next to me the entire night. I felt so bad for what happened last night knowing that I had never allowed anybody to see me like that.

When carina noticed I was awake she slowly tilted her head down to look at me.

"Morning Bella" she whispered into my ear softly

"Morning, I'm sorry about last night, you shouldn't have stayed on the floor with me" I apologized.

"Nonsense Bella now let's get ready to go," she said helping me up.

Carina got me clothes to wear as I didn't bring any, not knowing I would be staying the night. I was a bit weary all morning, I was never usually calm but this morning I was jumping and flinching at any noise and wasn't as comfortable with carina touching me as I usually am, which upset me more than the rest.

"Ok you ready to go?" she said from the bedroom door.

"Yep, let's go" I replied putting on my best fake smile

Carinas POV

I knew something was off with Maya but decided not to push anything. She was jumping if I spoke out of nowhere, and I felt her tense up if I put my hand on hers, which we had managed to get under control.

We drove to the station and went straight up to the beanery knowing that's where most people would be. The whole team was there except jack and Andy who were on an aid car call together.

We went over to the table, and I saw Maya look at one of the chairs hesitantly. Before I had time to work it out, I decided to step in.

"Hey, come sit here," I said smiling while indicating to my lap.

Maya looked over at me thinking it through before nodding her head.

She sat on my lap sideways watching the conversation the team was having. I thought about the chair again and realized it was where she was sitting when someone touched her. I was glad I made the decision I had and watched Maya smiling with the rest of the group.

Everyone was talking still, and I noticed that Maya was sitting completely still, staring at a spot on the table. I left her alone assuming that she was just overwhelmed and needed to think things through and continued listening to the team's conversation

"Hey bishop, you ok? I think your nose is bleeding" I heard Vic say from opposite the table.

When Maya didn't respond or even lift her gaze from that one spot I knew that she wasn't just thinking, she was trapped in her head.

"Hey Maya, its carina, come on, come back to me" I whispered into her ear trying not to draw any more attention than she already had

"Carina is she ok?" Travis asked next to Vic

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