chapter 41 - a step closer

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Maya's POV

"Can we just lay here all day?" I ask carina

"We could but ava may think we're doing something else" she laughs

"She won't, she knows we haven't even kissed yet so I'm guessing she knows we don't do that" I laugh

"I can't wait till the day you kiss me" carina smiles as I roll over so I'm looking up at her from her chest

"Me too, I'm getting there, ava will probably use her shrink skills to coach me through it"

"I'll wait as long as I need to," she says happily

"I'll try not to make you wait too long," I say

"Good because I don't think I've ever gone this long without even kissing someone"

Ava's POV

'Hey apricot' Olivia said over facetime

'Hey, olive'

'How are you doing?' she asks

'we're managing, carina isn't resisting the feeds as much anymore and aside from the one slip up, Maya's ok'

'that's good, when can I come over, I miss you' she pouts

'You can come over whenever you want' I tell her

'Really! Now?'

'Sure, if you want to'

'I'm on my way' she says quickly before hanging up

"Mom?" I say, going into their bedroom and falling onto the bed

"Yeah baby?" she asks

"Olivia's coming over," I tell her, wrapping my arms around the both of them

"Ok, but I'm not getting out of bed," she says

"I don't blame you; you get to cuddle mama all day"

"Yeah, I do, and she's really comfy," she says

"lucky," I say

"You can cuddle me whenever you want Bambina," mama tells me as she pulls me close to her

"I love you," I tell them both

"We love you too," Maya says


maya's POV

"I'm sorry I won't kiss you yet," I say randomly as carina and I are scrolling through our phones

"hm?" she says, confused as to where this was coming from

"I feel guilty that you're having to wait for me" I admit quietly, watching carina

"never feel guilty for listening to yourself, don't push yourself just for me because we both know it will just make things worse"

"but you are just waiting and I don't know how long it's going to be until I feel like I can"

"I will wait forever if it means you're happy Maya. even if we're 80 years old and ava has kids of her own and we're shrivelling up. you can kiss me in an hour or in 60 years and I would be just as happy. I will always wait for you, Bella."

"I can't" I whisper as she notices me getting upset

"You don't have to Bella, I'm not asking you to do anything, ok?" she says, wrapping her arms around me "I know you were forced into things in the past but it's now like that now, you don't have to do anything you don't want to and if you want me to stop doing something then you just tell me Bambina, you're safe Maya," she says, tears flowing out of my eyes by the end

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