chapter 13 - debt collectors

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Mayas POV

It had been a week since my last attack, and I had been going to the station like always as well as carina going to the hospital when she isn't working on the PRT.

carina and I both had today off as well as Amelia, kai, and the rest of the station. Today was Andy's birthday and we agreed that we would have a party at carinas house. I hadn't officially moved in, but I slept there every night, so it felt like I had.

carina and I were lying in bed, and I had my head on her chest as she was stroking the back of my hand.

"what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" carina asked

"nothing" I lied

"You can talk to me, Bambina"

"I... I feel like I'm not doing enough"

"Hm?" she asked confused

"you're the only person I let touch me, I feel bad for the station, especially Andy, she's meant to be my best friend and I can't even touch her"

"I'm sure she understands, and I think you're forgetting about when you held Amelia's hand. That was amazing!" she whispered

"But still"

"Listen, when you feel like you're ready, even if it's something as small as a finger bump (something Andy and Maya had been talking about for a while)" carina laughed "try it, and if you're too uncomfortable then you stop"

"It's Andy's birthday today," I said optimistically

"Then you can try, and I'll be there"

I nodded into her chest before we started getting ready

Carinas POV

Everybody had arrived and we were currently sitting opening Andy's presents. Maya was sitting on my lap wanting to be as close as she was when she finally did it.

She got to ours and saw a pair of earrings with a matching necklace that we had ordered online. She was thanking us for it when Maya decided it would be a good time.

"I've got you one more present," Maya said smiling

"No, I don't need anything else"

"You might be happy with this," I said excitedly

Andy looked at us confused when she finally realized

"Oh my god, finger bump?!?"

"I'll do you one better," Maya said grinning "High five?" she added

"Omg, this is the best birthday present ever. Sorry everyone" she laughed

Maya had her hand up and Andy come over, taking a breath and saying:

"I want to treasure this moment" followed by a laugh before finally giving Maya a gentle high five.

I was watching Maya the whole time making sure she was ok and seeing Andy run around the room celebrating.

"Thank you Maya, that was the best present ever"

"And it was insanely cheap" Maya joked

Everyone was smiling at Maya, seeing her make another step forward.

"I'm so proud of you Bella" I whispered in her ear as everyone started talking again.

She smiled back at me, clearly very happy with herself.

Mayas POV

Everybody had left and I was on the sofa with carina who wouldn't stop smiling. I could feel her eyes practically burning a hole through my head, so I turned to look at her

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