chapter 37 - apologies

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Maya's POV

"You ever say a word about them again and I will do more than just hit you, understand?" Vic says as Avery backs away

"That goes for anyone in this hospital" she adds as we turn around to leave, bailey following us

"Hughs, usually I would be punishing you right now, but I'll be honest, he deserved it," Bailey says

"Ok, let's go home," I say, wanting the whole day to just be over

"Are you ok?" I ask carina as we get home

"I'm fine, how are you?" she asks

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I say as we both lay on the sofa

"Bella" she whispers, pulling me so I'm lying on her chest

"it's ok, let it out" she whispers as I let the tears flow down my cheeks

"I can't lose you" I cry

"I know Bella, I'm here," she says, stroking the back of my head

"don't leave us" I continue through sobs

"I'm staying, I'm going to fight so hard to stay Maya, I promise you"

Olivia's POV

"it's ok ava" I whisper as she lies in my arms

"I love her too much to lose her liv," she says

"I know ava. I know she's not been herself lately, but she'll come back soon, she's the same person ava but she's just having a hard time"

"I know, and I keep trying not to blame her for it but what else am I supposed to do? I just want my mama back" she whispers as her voice breaks

I didn't know what else I could do to comfort her right now, so I decided to text Maya

'Is carina talking right now?'

'Yeah, she seems ok, why?'

'Ava's not ok and I think she's the only person who will be able to calm her down right now'

'She said she'll come in if you want her to'

'Can she, if that's ok?'

Not long after me replying there's a knock on the door as carina walks in, looking at ava sadly

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit," I say, getting up as carina lays with her

"Is she ok?" Maya asks as I sit down with her

"Not really, she can't decide whether she's mad at carina or if she feels bad for her and she misses having her around like how she used to," I tell her

"I get that, I mean, I just sobbed in her arms and begged her not to leave us," she says

Carina's POV

"ava," I say, getting into bed with her and holding her tightly

"Mama?" she cries

"I'm here baby," I say

"I need you; I can't lose you"

"I know, listen to me Bambina," I say, lifting her head up to look at me

"I love you so much, you know that right? I'm not leaving you; I give you full permission to yell at me if I won't let Maya do the feeds because I know you're angry, you're allowed to be angry. You can be angry at whoever you want Bella, if you're angry at me, then be angry at me, I'm angry at myself too"

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