chapter 16 - I need a break

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A/N = I'm sorry in advance 😂

Mayas POV

I was at the station the next day filling out paperwork like always when I looked up and saw my dad sitting in the chair opposite me.

I looked back down at my desk hoping he would just go away but obviously, he didn't. this time was different though. I wasn't scared of him; I was mad at him. I was mad that even in jail, he still found ways to mess with me, I was mad that he has ruined my life, I was mad that I was ruining carinas by making her deal with me. I was mad.

I threw my hands down on my desk as I started yelling at someone who I knew wasn't really there. I started throwing everything in my reach and kicking the walls desperate to just make him go away.

Carinas POV

I had just finished my shift and was on my way to the station when my phone began calling. I answered it and could hear lots of noise on the other side

"Carina? It's me Travis" I barely heard

"Oh, hey Travis. Is everything alright? I can hear a lot of noise"

"No, it's Maya, she's gotten violent. She's yelling things and kicking things and she's now started scratching at her wrists. Andy and Vic have tried calming her down but nothings working- "

"I'm like 30 seconds away Travis, hang on"

As soon as I arrived, I ran into reception and saw everyone looking at Maya in her office. Her eyes were red, I understood why they couldn't talk to her. I opened the door and walked in despite everyone telling me not to; scared that she'll hurt me.

As soon as I walked in, I managed to grab Maya from behind and brought her arms up to her chest. I was holding her as she was trying to thrash around until I managed to get us both on the floor.

"I'm sorry Bella, I'm sorry, I know, I'm not going to touch your face, come on calm down" I was saying while continuing to hold her arms at her chest.

"He won't go away!" she sobbed thrashing around every now and then

"I know, it's horrible, I'll get him away, but I need you to calm down for me ok?"

She had stopped kicking her legs and was just twitching every so often. She was sobbing harshly while staring in front of her at who I'm assuming is her dad

"he's still here, isn't he?"

"He won't leave me alone" she sobbed

"I know, I'm so sorry Bella, I would do anything to keep him away"

"I can't believe anything I see" she got out between short breaths

"Breathe Bella, breathe"

"Make it stop" she sobbed

"Close your eyes, Bella, breathe for me, okay?" I said while crying myself

She eventually calmed down and I managed to rock her to sleep knowing that it was the easiest way to get him to go away. The team all walked in, in shock as to what happened.

"I thought it was getting better?" Andy asked

"It is, which is why she got so annoyed when he came back again"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I'm going to call a friend at the hospital and get their opinion but other than that, I don't know"

"Ok, well we'll leave you alone"

They all got up and left and I decided to video call Amelia, hoping kai would be with her too

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