Chapter 1 - a possibility

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Maya's POV

"Okay, everyone well done, take a break before we get the next call!" Maya shouted ruthlessly to her team

Maya retreated back to her office as per usual to begin her daily paperwork. Maya was ruthless, she was focused on her goal and nothing else. Anything that got in the way of her achieving, had to be removed. There was one exception though, Andy Herrera. Andy was Maya's one sort of friend, they went through fire academy together and andy was now lieutenant at the station Maya run. 

Maya had a tough past, one that she refused to acknowledge, andy knew the most about the situation but despite what she thinks, she doesn't know the half of it.

Station 19 was currently in the process of getting a Physician Response Team which would be run by Ben Warren so Maya was now dealing with the process of working out what doctors from Grey Sloan will be working on it. 

Station 19 and Grey Sloan worked close together so fortunately for Maya, she didn't have to go through the process of interviews, she just had to get somebody to agree to working with them, which was currently proving more difficult than she originally thought.

So far, they had had 3 doctors in, all of which decided that they had over-demanding lives and didn't want to add to it. They had Owen Hunt and Teddy Altman, the trauma surgeons, but they had just had a baby and were only just managing to work at the hospital and didn't think they could take the extra work.

Maggie Peirce had come along but also said that she already had enough work being the head of cardio at Grey Sloan so she denied the offer, but finally they had one person who decided that it may be a good idea. Dr Jackson Avery, the head of Plastics at Grey Sloan. it worked out really well as most of the cases we will be getting will be burn patients anyway so having a plastic surgeon would be really helpful, but due to Jackson being head of plastics, he could only offer to work half-time.

Captain Bishop was now looking into people who weren't focussed on burns or a type of surgery that she thought would be the most useful, but instead was just trying to find anybody who would agree to work the other half of the time.

Dr Bailey had given Maya a list of surgeons who she would be willing to give up for some days to work on the PRT along with their speciality and email addresses. Maya had gone through most of the list when she come across a newer doctor at the hospital...

Dr Carina Deluca

Dr DeLuca was head of OB at Grey Sloan but had previously been a trauma surgeon at her previous hospital. Maya decided it was her best shot and sent Carina an email saying that she could drop by whenever she was free and could be introduced. 

Maya did start out by arranging proper appointments but now Maya just wanted this done with and was fine with her coming by whenever.

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