chapter 27 - mama

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Ava's POV

I woke up in my room when everything from the night before come back to me. Usually, all I would be able to remember was feeling unsafe but surprisingly I found myself smiling at the memory. I remembered specifically that Maya and carina told me all the stupid things their friends had done which had more of an impact on me than they think.

"Hey baby," Maya said as I walked into the kitchen and sat down


"Are you ok?" she asked

"Yup," I said trying to control the smile on my face

"what're you smiling for?" she laughed


"Come on, tell me" She laughed

"You know how you were saying about what Travis and Vic have done when they're incredibly drunk" I started


"I feel like it changed something in me"

"Like what?" she said grinning

"well, whenever I was beaten up or something they were always drunk, I literally cannot remember a time when they weren't, so I guess I just always associated being drunk to things like that"

"I was the same, I used to hate parties just because there was alcohol there, it terrified me, it was why I wanted to make sure you were ok with it. It wasn't until I finally agreed to go to one that I saw everyone having fun. I never drank because I wanted to stay aware of everything, so I just watched as they were laughing about ridiculous stuff and then watching their ridiculous hangovers. It does change things, now whenever someone mentions alcohol, the first thing I think of is people being stupid and laughing, not people being beaten up"

"where's carina?" I ask noticing she isn't here

"she's still asleep. We were up late dealing with people who were convinced that they weren't too drunk, and they could drive home themselves which they obviously couldn't"

"Did they give up trying in the end?"

"Nope. We locked away their keys, so they had no choice but to take an uber"

"they're really funny," I say smiling at the thought of them desperate for their keys

"Did you sleep ok?" she asks

"Yeah, I don't even remember falling asleep"

"You fell asleep in my arms and me being the strong firefighter I am, carried you to bed" she laughed

"Sorry, you should've just woken me up," I say

"don't be sorry, I love that you feel like you can fall asleep with me"

"of course I do, you're my mom," I say as she smiles so wide

"I don't think I'm ever going to get past the happiness I feel when you call me that," she says hugging me

"How do you think I feel when you call me baby every two minutes" I smile

"I can't help it, you're my baby girl"

"Buongiorno," carina says softly as she comes out of their room

"morning" Maya says going over and hugging her

"Every time I see you do that, I always think you're going to kiss but it never happens, at this point, I should get a gold medal for 'most times someone has been disappointed even though they had no reason to get their hopes up," I say laughing as they smile at me

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