chapter 32 - its too much

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Ava's POV

Olivia was sleeping on the couch while I was in my room, though I didn't think I could bring myself to close my eyes. I didn't really know why but I just couldn't relax or calm down enough.

I knew I had to do something so I thought I would get up, get a glass of water, and then when I come back, I would've relaxed a bit. I went outside my room but saw Olivia sitting on the sofa, staring down at her hands

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask quietly as Maya, and carina were in bed

"Yeah, can't sleep, can you?" she said

"nope" I replied, joining her on the couch

"The alcohol is wearing off" she mutters

"I'm sorry, I can get some painkillers if you want"

"No, don't worry, it's not too bad yet"

"You may want to put ice on your face though, your eyes are black, and I think you will regret leaving it"

"Ok, fine, but just ice," she says as I put some ice into a cloth as give it to her as she holds it up to her eye

"So, it's not just us," Maya says, coming out of her bedroom

"Can you not sleep?" I ask

"Nope, carina can't either, she's just lying there though, she's not in the best of moods"

"Is she ok?" I ask, getting worried

"Sort of, her mom died around this time of year, she said she gets really depressive when it happens, and I think she's finally letting it get to her"

"Does she know the exact date?" I ask, knowing that when you know the exact date, it makes it worse as you can count down to it

"Yeah, it's really soon, less than a week" she sighs

"Is your face ok?" she adds, looking at Olivia

"It hurts and I'm avoiding any sort of mirror right now but apart from that it's good"

"it's the worst feeling when the alcohol wears off," she says

"agreed" Olivia sighs

"it's like it's happening all over again because the pain comes back in pieces," Maya says sadly

"Yeah, I'm sorry none of you can sleep," Olivia says

"don't worry, I never sleep anyway," Maya says

"And you wake up at 5:30?" I ask

"Yeah, I've never woken up any later than 5:30 for years"

"Do you go back to sleep?" Olivia asks

"No, I lost the ability to do that when I was 14"

"What do you do before we wake up?" I ask confused

"I just lay there; carina wakes up around 9 so I just go on my phone and sit there"

"What if you went to sleep at like 2 in the morning, would you still wake up early?" Olivia asks

"Yeah, no matter how tired I am, my survival instinct kicks in and I can't sleep"

"I never knew the reason you ate so fast, I always thought you were just a hungry person," I say, remembering what she said earlier

"Yeah, it's because my dad could be in a good mood when we started eating but soon enough, he would be yelling and throwing things and taking food away, I just got into the habit of inhaling the food so at least I had something," she says as I cuddle up next to her, allowing myself to just think

Untouchable - maya and carinaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें