chapter 39 - a little sister

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maya's POV

"dad," I say loudly as he turns his head so he's looking right at me

"What are you doing?" I ask

"This bitch told me to get lost," he says

"Why do you have a gun?" I ask calmly

"Well, I was coming here to kill you, but I have a few extra bullets, I was just planning on killing that faggot you're with too but I guess I can use one on this bitch" he says with no emotion

"Let her go," I say quietly

"And why would I do that?" he says as I start to get up and walk over to him

"Because I need you dad and if you kill her you'll be arrested. I want to go out for the Olympics again, I want to beat my time and I need you to help me" I say directly to him

"that's what you said last time" he growls "look how that played out"

"I know, and I'm sorry, I really wanted to, but Stephanie tricked me. I need you, Dad, you were the best coach, I was stupid to leave you, I want to be the best, eyes forward, I need you to get me to the Olympics again" I say, walking closer to him

"That would be hard, there's only a year until qualifiers," he says thoughtfully

"I know but I've been thinking, and I believe that we could do it, I'll do double training and cut the food down again, I can get there. You could be the coach who gets Maya bishop to two gold medals and beats the world record" I say as he moves the gun to face me, and I motion for Arizona to get away

"We can do that," he says as I move my hand behind me

"Ok, but first" I start as I reach in my back pocket and pull out a gun of my own, pointing it directly at him as I hear the room fill with gasps

"What are you doing," he asks

"Making this fair, put the gun down dad," I say calmly

"Put yours down," he says angrily as I see security behind him

"Give your gun to him," I say, gesturing to dean who was standing next to him "and I'll give my gun to him," I say, motioning to jack who was next to me "I'll leave with you after you put it down," I tell him

"Fine, but we do it at the same time, I don't want you playing any of your tricks," he says

"Ok, go on," I tell him as he begins to lower it and I do the same, giving it to jack

The second the gun leaves his hand, security manages to tackle him from behind, getting him on the floor and handcuffing him

"Be careful with him, he's got out of that place more times than I can count" I say, turning around and going back to carina and ava

"Thank you, Maya," Arizona says with tears now running down her face

"I didn't do that because I like you, I did that because I'm not as cruel as you are, don't confuse the two," I tell her strongly

"don't ever do that again!" ava says, wrapping her arms around me and crying

"I'm sorry baby, I'm ok," I say through my own tears

"Why did you have a gun?" Vic asks, coming up to us

"The prison called this morning and told me he was released on bail; I knew he would try to find me. I didn't plan on using it though"

"Come here," carina says as I go over and hug her as the entire room stayed silent, everyone in shock

"Why can't we just have a break, just a week where everything is ok, nothing bad happens," she says

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