Ch. 40: This is nothing like I had expected

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"One who loves you?"

Smiling, Roarke looked at Phoenix and his genuine expression of believing what he had said. Jace had truly changed Phoenix and made him in tune with emotions he had not understood earlier. Only somebody who loved and believed that love could change a person would have said that.

"If I'm lucky."

"Talk with Gareth. He'll understand. You can maybe pull back from active undercover work and just be the administrative section leader. There's room for your expertise and for you to have a life."

"I just might do that." Roarke straightened his back and drew in a breath. "We can talk about that another time. Today is your day with Jace. I refuse to be gloomy on such a joyous occasion."

Gently, Phoenix patted Roarke's shoulder. "You can always talk with me. I'm still oblivious to some things, but I understand this."

"Thank you."

Phoenix glanced at Roarke, who looked relaxed with having shared a bit. He made a mental note to invite Roarke to visit and maybe do something just the two of them – after the honeymoon.

"Are you ready to get shined like a boot and dolled up like a debutante?" Aidan came toward them from his apartment with Mal in tow.

"If I hadn't been told to respect my elders, I'd make you eat those words," Phoenix grumbled.

"Elders," Aidan huffed to the loud laughter of Roarke and Mal. Phoenix still had a way of saying hilarious things without even trying.

Whatever Phoenix had imagined about the whole beautification process the guys had planned, it was not anything like the sight that met him when they came into Richard's large living room. Tables had been set up, and nail ladies sat ready to get their grabby hands on some guy-nails from hell. He could have sworn he saw literal stars in their eyes at the prospect.

There was a snack station with drinks and a waiter stood ready with champagne for them. Something they all homed in on in seconds. Richard sat in one of the barber chairs that stood to the side, and some elderly man gave him an old-school razor shave.

"If it isn't the man of the day!"

Phoenix spun at the sound and smiled widely.

Eoin walked in from the adjacent room with a hairdryer in his hand. He pointed it at Phoenix like a gun and giggled in the cute way he always did.

"I've got my eyes on you, and you'll be my first victim."

Lashing out his champagne glass in a 'hold my beer' kind of move, Phoenix let go of the glass. Luckily, Yarro caught it in time, because Phoenix was off like a rocket. He ran to Eoin, lifting him up to swing him around. Eoin threw out his arms and went 'weee' as he giggled with glee until Phoenix stopped and pulled him into a hug.

"What are you doing here, you little rascal? Jace said you had declined the invitation."

"Do you think I'd allow anybody but me to do my boys' hair on their wedding day?" Eoin answered with a scowl at Phoenix. "Those locks will only come into their full right at my hands, and besides, someone asked me to come."

"Oh? Who?" Eoin was naturally invited but had declined. To see him there was a welcomed surprise and Phoenix wondered why he had changed his mind.

With a cheeky grin and a dramatic roll of his eyes, Eoin pointed a thumb over his shoulder.

"I'd be the asshole who forced the kid here." Packard strode in with a large grin all over his face. Like the rest of them, he was casually dressed and had not yet prepared for the wedding.

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