Ch. 18: I've got some good news for you

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Phoenix's worried eyes softened.

"I've got you."

Jace made no protests when Phoenix put his arms around him and lifted him carefully, allowing Jace to wrap his arms around Phoenix's neck and his legs around his waist. He settled against Phoenix's warm and strong chest, leaning his head on Phoenix's shoulder, and breathed in that cologne that made him relax like nothing else.

For the first time in days, Jace felt safe.

Phoenix held on to Jace and carried him into the kitchen, where he opened the freezer and peeked inside. "I think we'll begin with some ice cream, and then we can plan what to do. I have... Chocolate, raspberry sorbet, hazelnut crunch, and marzipan with chocolate chips."

"Hazelnut?" Jace suggested meekly.

"Of course." Phoenix smiled to himself at the way Jace clung to him. It brought up every protective instinct in him, even if he had no idea what was going on. He grabbed a spoon and continued into the living room, where he put Jace down on the couch.

It felt wrong to let go because Phoenix's calm heartbeat was a constant thud in Jace's mind that reassured him he was safe. Reluctantly, Jace eased his grip and sat back, taking the ice cream and spoon from Phoenix, and looked around. It looked exactly the same as the last time Jace had been there for their recreational roommate situation after the incident at Verno's.

Like a picture from a prestigious home décor magazine with the weird, undoubtedly expensive artsy fartsy knickknacks on the shelves, large lilies in a glass vase, and colored throw pillows and matching blankets on the sofa set. Large paintings adorned the walls in subtle greys, whites, and blacks, accented with a splash of color here and there.

The city lay beautifully in the light of the setting sun outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. The hues of the sunset bathed the room in bright gold, making Phoenix's furniture shine. It reminded Jace of the skies he had looked at on the plane, which in turn made him think of Phoenix.

The place reflected him.

The large TV displayed some random news channel that Phoenix had muted. An open laptop with spreadsheets showing, a notepad, and some papers lay scattered on the coffee table like he had interrupted Phoenix in the middle of something.

"I didn't mean to disturb your work."

"Think nothing of it," Phoenix said with a light shrug. "It's just work. Eat your ice cream."

Obeying like it was a command given during training, Jace opened the tub of ice cream, scooped up a large spoonful, and plopped it in his mouth.

Damn, Phoenix knew how to buy quality.

"Do I have full consent?" Phoenix asked and interrupted Jace's symphony of angelic song at the taste of the ice cream.

"Yes. Please, just make me forget for a while."

"Ok, Jace," Phoenix said with an encouraging curl of his lips, looking at Jace's tired face and red eyes. "I think I know what to do. So, how about I fill the jacuzzi for you to have a long soak, then you can get a massage, and we can watch movies and eat junk food the entire night?"

"Don't you have a club to run tonight?"

"You asked for my care. My responsibility lies with you. I already called in an emergency after I talked with you and told Brannon to handle the club."

"You didn't even know what was going on..."

"I didn't have to, and I still don't. You texted me and asked for my help. I'm trying to do that, which makes you my priority."

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