Ch. 7: The fuck is this?

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The car came to a screeching halt in the gravel parking space at Gareth's mansion. Stones shot everywhere and dirt rose from the ground around the car. Doctors and nurses were already gathered outside, waiting for them. They stood by a gurney, loaded up with first aid stuff, a portable heart starter, and pretty much everything they could possibly need, just in case. Prepared for the worst-case scenario from the little information they probably had gotten.

Malachai had called ahead as Cracker had known he would, but it was limited what he had been able to tell them with the information he had had. Even Cracker and Jace, who had been with Phoenix in the car, had no idea how bad it was, only that Phoenix's breathing and blood loss were bad.

A doctor and nurse came over to Jace instantly, the nurse pressing a wad of gauze against his head wound, and the doctor shining a penlight into his eyes, momentarily blinding and confusing him.

"Get the fuck off me. Phoenix needs help. I'm fine." Pushing the nurse away, Jace, staggering to keep his balance, made his way around the car to help get Phoenix out, fighting past the nausea crashing down on him in waves. He had to swallow a few times to not vomit.

That would not have been a pretty sight.

And it did not taste great either.

"Fuck this guy weighs a ton."

Three doctors were unsuccessfully trying to wiggle a seemingly unconscious Phoenix out of the car onto the gurney, hopefully without doing any further damage to whatever wounds he had.

"Phoenix? Wake up!" Jace pushed the doctors aside and slapped him again.

In a surprise action, his state taken into consideration, Phoenix grabbed Jace's wrist with a strong grip. "Stop that, I don't like being slapped."

"Stay the hell awake and I won't have to."

"I'll get you for that one day. Twice."

There was no time to contemplate what Phoenix was mumbling about. He was awake and with Cracker and Jace's help, they got him onto the gurney and carried into the house. When inside, Jace was spent. He had used all his energy to muscle up enough to help carry the gurney. As soon as the wheels of it hit the floor, he slumped down, breathing hard, and cursing the dizziness to hell. He did smile faintly when he in a blur saw the gurney, crowded by doctors and nurses, being wheeled away to the medical unit with Cracker hot at their heels.

Jace followed at a slower pace, still suffering from nausea.

He did not even object to the nurse who came up to him and gently guided him to a sterile room with other doctors and nurses waiting. They got the surprisingly compliant Jace to lie down and have an MRI done before helping him to an examination room to wait for the doctor and scan results. How long it had taken, Jace did not know.

None of it mattered to Jace, they had gotten Phoenix there, and he was getting help. Jace could finally relax. The events were a little fuzzy, but he had understood that Phoenix had been hit, somehow.

But he had been safe?

Jace had covered him and kept the fire off him.

That, he remembered.

It was confusing and his head hurt as if it had been split open.

The nurse was trying to clean him up while they waited, even with Jace trying to fight her off because it hurt. At least the MRI had not hurt, all he had been doing there was lying on his back and nobody had touched him. That had been bliss because the ground had not wobbled around him. He kept swaying and felt sick though sitting down, the bed felt like a vortex, it spun that fast. His head throbbed, and he was nervous for some reason. The shake of his hands was uncommon for him.

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