Ch. 54: Don't you laugh at me, dipshit

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Checking his phone one last time, he made sure there had come no additional messages. He read the last one to memorize the instructions and put his phone away, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.

He popped his head out the door and looked both left and right, a light sigh escaping him when the hallway proved to be empty. As silently as possible, he left the apartment and sneaked down the hall past the elevators to the emergency stairs. The stairwell was quiet and deserted, but he had to move slowly to not make a noise on the concrete steps. In the parking garage, he hid along the wall to avoid the cameras beside the stairs and waited until a parked car not too far away flashed the front lights.

Adrenaline pumped through him with each step. His every sense was on high alert, focused on detecting if there were people around. The stale air of the parking lot hit his nostrils, reminding him of what he was doing. Even if he could not see any movements, his ears picked up any and all sounds. The creak of the walls, a hardly working ventilation system, buzzing in the distance, and his own labored breathing.

Having sneaked along the walls until he reached the car, he opened the passenger side door and slid inside, closing the door as quietly as possible. The courtesy lights inside the car turned off as the door closed. He leaned back in the seat with a beating heart, beads of sweat on his forehead, and panting lightly.

A set of cuffs landed in his lap with a metallic clank. "Cuff your hands behind your back," a low voice sounded in the darkness inside the car.

Complying, though with shaking hands, he locked one part of the cuffs around his wrist and wiggled his arms behind his back, and closed the other. With his hands secured by the cuffs, it left him at the driver's mercy. A large hand found his hair and held it in a tight grip, making his muscles tense up and a gasp escape him.

"I'm glad to see you still know how to follow orders. Did anybody see you?"


His head got tilted back and pulled closer, warm breath fanned over his exposed neck and small kisses from soft lips worked their way up to his ear.

"I've missed you, Baby boy."

"I've missed you too," Jace replied with a sigh, turning his head in the grip to steal a kiss from Phoenix, who gladly accommodated his need. His lips were soft and demanding, taking just as much as they gave. Drinking in the sighs from Jace in a deep kiss they both needed. The smell of Phoenix's cologne and the proximity of that demanding aura penetrated into Jace to make him delightfully delirious with expectation.

"I feel like fucking James Bond. Why all the smoke and mirrors?" Jace asked heatedly when they broke off the kiss. "Rami knows we're working at your place tonight."

"But we're not. We're sneaking out. Tonight you're mine, and I wanted to set the mood." Phoenix smiled against Jace's neck between more kisses. "Don't you feel excited and a bit on edge already?"

Sneaking out?

Well, when he put it like that. Jace was more than excited, and if the beginning was any indication of how their night would be, then he was in for some good fun. Considering he had prepared himself for an evening of Phoenix explaining boring numbers to him, the new development was a massive step up, and Jace was ready for it.

"I never thought you were the type to sneak out." A shudder went through him when Phoenix reached over and pulled the seatbelt, buckling him in place. That vulnerability of having his hands cuffed and being strapped in only heightened his senses.

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