Ch. 8: Sorry, just daydreaming a bit

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The hand that gently shook his shoulder pissed off Jace royally.

What kind of monster would wake a man from his much-needed rest? Phoenix always let him sleep until his phone beeped. There was no reason to disturb his peaceful sleep.

Maybe it had not been peaceful, it had been very pleasant, though. Because he had been dreaming of Phoenix. The strange part was that in his dreams, Phoenix was the same. There were no dream improvements or embellishments to make Phoenix a better or more desirable version than the real one. It was something Jace had wondered about, and the only conclusion he had been able to reach was that he had nothing his subconscious wanted to change about Phoenix. There was nothing about the man that was not being fulfilled in his everyday life that he needed to escape to dreamland to experience.

In his dreams, Phoenix was not nicer or funnier. He was not younger looking as when they had first met. He was not rougher or gentler.

He was just Phoenix.

That was more than enough.

And he wanted to fucking stay dreaming. Have those grey eyes look into his with nothing but love and adoration. Feel his arms holding him with tenderness, fingers feeling their way around with... Less tenderness. Jace wanted those lips to explore his skin...

The shaking, however, kept on, making it impossible to keep dream-Phoenix with him.

Then again, he would wake up to real Phoenix.

"Five more minutes, Phoenix, I promise I'll make pancakes or something. Just five minutes."

Suddenly, the shaking got a bit rougher.

"Piss off, Phoenix," Jace grumbled. "If you want sex, it can wait fucking five minutes."

"Unless I grew a dick and like two feet taller overnight, I'll never be Phoenix."

"Wha..." Jace sat up and rubbed his eyes like a sleepy child, trying to peek past his hands at the intruder in his bed, who most certainly was not Phoenix.

Sex was definitely off the table.


It all came back to him.

He had been tossing and turning before finally falling asleep. It had been bad enough being separated from Phoenix but having to fall asleep alone with no goodnight had been near impossible.

"Morning to you, my blushing bride."

A pillow to the face was Jace's thoughts on that comment. Jesus fucking Christ, she was chipper, and that was not needed at all!

Blushing bride, his ass!

He was so over the blushing bride comments. The dress jokes, the walking up the aisle, the comments on him swooning at the sight of Phoenix and how he should wear a veil.

So fucking over it.

"Oh no, you didn't." Mackenzie did not care that Jace still looked groggy and thoroughly miffed at being woken up. Nobody threw pillows at her unless she had started it. Her children and husband already knew that. As a matter of fact, Jace should know too.

She picked up the pillow and began pounding on Jace with it.

Jace suddenly wished it was still the night before. At least the only thing that had gotten beaten was his pride in Tekken.

Yeah, old school as fuck, but the best game for a bunch of men, trying to make time pass with some drinks and snacks. Gareth, Rami, and Gerson had been there to keep him company after he and Phoenix had parted after dinner.

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