Ch. 15: Kneel

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Now we begin...

The words echoed in Jace's mind, and images of Phoenix on that stage with Rosemary played over and over like a live-action movie. Only, Rosemary was not there, Jace was, and that intensity in Phoenix formed a lump in his throat.

Would he get to see Phoenix like that?

Would he want to?

As if he read Jace like an open book, Phoenix felt the excitement and insecurity in Jace. "Calm down, please, take deep breaths. Close your eyes and empty your mind. Yellow out at any point if you need me to back off."

Phoenix's voice sounded like it had dropped an octave and become huskier. The vibrato in the words sent shivers down Jace's spine and made his mind explode with lustful anticipation. The mere sound of his voice made Jace want to obey him. There was something deep and sensual about it, notes of danger and promises of immense pleasure.

They had not even done anything, and Jace already felt how his blood rushed south. Was it the situation or Phoenix that made the heat in him feel unbearable? Jace tried to convince himself that it was the situation, what was to come, and not that it was Phoenix who influenced him.

Like tiny pinpricks all his nerve endings electrified and signaled his brain, demanding that he felt something soon. Exacting that he accepted Phoenix and would let him do what Jace dearly needed.

Slowly, Jace let out a long, shaking breath and relaxed his tense body.

He was ready.

Phoenix moved closer when Jace, without hesitation, closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "Am I allowed to touch you?" he mumbled and kept his hands locked in fists at his side to not do what his mind screamed at him. It was not just his usual training procedure or even the Dominant in him making those demands; there was something else guiding his actions.

Something he needed to fight to not break Jace's limits or embarrass himself.

"I'll keep it at a required minimum, same with the speaking, to allow you to stay in the fantasy of you being with a woman. Am I...?"

"Yes," Jace said with a heave. He could not think about any woman if those long fingers touched him. Nor did he want to.

"May I blindfold you? It'll help you stay in focus, and maybe bring you out of your head if you can't see me and just feel as we move along."


A soft blindfold was gently placed over Jace's eyes a moment later. Phoenix tied it behind his head, and it stopped any light from getting through. The blindfold plunged Jace into darkness, and it was as if his other senses heightened. He smelled Phoenix's cologne better, the taste of salt from the sweat he licked from his upper lip stayed on his tongue. His skin heated and felt sensitive to the air in the room. Each time Phoenix moved, and the air shifted, small chills went through Jace. And his hearing was that of an alert animal. He heard ruffles of clothes with Phoenix's movements. Their breathing sounded like a symphony of lustful notes, and they had barely begun.

All his senses combined made him aware of his situation and flooded him with arousal and anticipation of what was to come.

Long fingers pushed his hair free from the bindings with consideration before a hand smoothed over the hair for a second so light and briefly that Jace was not sure it had happened.

Had Phoenix?

Did Jace want him to?

Those questions rummaged in Jace's mind. One answer came to him instantly. Yes, he wanted Phoenix to do it. Do it in a way that he could feel it. The way his hair would slide between Phoenix's fingers and fall back into place, the light scraping against his scalp during it would be bliss.

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