Chapter 63, part 2: Eoin will kill you for this

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Moments later, Phoenix's prediction of a stampede came true. They got overrun by friends and family, pulled into hugs, and flung around in a tornado of handshakes, kisses, and words of well-wishes. It felt like the stream of people coming at them would never end, but eventually, Mackenzie cut through and dragged them off to get their wedding photographs taken, ordering Phoenix to change into a pristine new suit for the pictures before they started.

It took forever, and the five photographers snapped more pictures than Phoenix and Jace could ever look through. Naturally, they had pictures taken with Rein and Leoni first, because the chances of keeping them in place with all the other kids around, games, drinks, and food seemed an impossible task, and Mackenzie insisted their clothes would not stay clean for long. Then some of them alone, a few with Pastor Bonneville, and a bunch with the groomsmen - together and separated by groom. Then family, where Juno and Jett had been ecstatic to be invited to join. Followed by friends, and lastly, with whoever was left.

Jace had discretely kept track of Phoenix's usual tells of when things got too much for him, the twitches by his eyes, how he pressed his lips together and went silent, and definitely, the purposely zoning out to protect his mind, but the man just smiled brightly and accepted everything with enthusiasm and an excess of energy. Hopefully, he would have some energy left for the wedding night, though Jace did not really doubt Phoenix concerning that. If there was a picture next to the word 'stamina' in the dictionary, it would be of Phoenix.

After the pictures, it was time for cake.

They had researched traditions on cake cutting, and people did it differently all over the world, and because they had not wanted the kids to miss out on the cake, Jace and Phoenix had opted to do the cake cutting along with the champagne before dinner.

The cake was another Tutturo masterpiece. Six square tiers with swirled buttercream, littered with gold dust and decorated with climbing green sugar vines between the tiers and hand-painted sugar flowers. Both Magnolia and Freesia.

There was enough cake to feed an army, and though they had invited a full regiment of guests, there was enough cake to make the upcoming dinner redundant.

With the photographers circling them to capture every moment in a live-action sequence of images, the silver knife with a blue and orange ribbon sliced through the white frosting of the miniature version of the six-tier wedding cake.

Jace and Phoenix both held the knife and fumbled like idiots, trying to get the slice onto a plate.

It was inelegant, and it was absolutely perfect.

"Come on, Phoenix, say it. Say it," some of the guys chanted when Jace and Phoenix stood with their forkfuls of cake about to do the traditional feed each other moment.

Phoenix looked up in confusion, searching for whoever had said that. He locked eyes with Devil, who stood in a small group with most of the groomsmen. It was odd for Phoenix to see Devil look like that. For the occasion, he had not painted his face with the Henna colors he usually did to appear fully tattooed. He was still bald as a bowling ball with the horns under the skin, but he looked handsome and did not stand out among the groomsmen, not that either groom would have cared if Devil looked like his normal self. He was a friend and accepted, just as he was. Phoenix had to admit that Devil looked devilishly handsome that day, though.

Devil cocked his head and winked at Phoenix.

With his signature chuckle, Phoenix returned his attention to Jace. "Open wide," he said, and that particular group of men, joined by a lot others, set into loud, roaring laughter.

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