Ch. 12: I'll know if I find it

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"You did very well today," Phoenix said in a gentle voice and sat on the bed to brush back a few locks of sweaty, auburn hair from the woman staring up at him with a dazed look on her face. "You both did."

His eyes met the man on the other side of the woman. He, too, had a sort of dazed look on his face and a tired smile.

"Is there anything you were uncomfortable with, Daisy? Something you need us to talk through now or go over next time?"

"No, Mister P., not at all. This is everything I've ever needed." Daisy smiled sweetly at Phoenix and then turned to kiss the man. "Thanks, babe."

"Anytime." The man mumbled between kisses to her forehead, which soon led to a passionate kiss on her lips.

"Jon, do you have any questions for me or something you want me to prepare for next time?"

With a wet sound, Jon let go of Daisy's lips and concentrated on Phoenix. "No, Mister P., there's nothing. I'm comfortable with the training as it is, and I feel we'll soon be ready to take the final test with Master Packard to get our memberships."

"I'm glad to hear that. I think one or two times more and I can recommend you to Master Packard." Phoenix nodded to himself, going over the things he had already worked on with the couple. The training to certify them as members went really well.

They were an experienced couple that had moved to Dublin because of Jon's work, and they had applied to become members. It had fallen on Phoenix to certify them, and they had been wonderful. Jon was a responsible man in his late forties, with no issues about being a Dom, and his Daisy, was an obedient and pleasing sub in her early forties.

Jon listened and took everything Phoenix said and showed into account, not once feeling the need to out-Dom Phoenix to show he was Daisy's Master. Daisy had at all times acknowledged Phoenix's status as a mentor without ever giving Jon the impression that she obeyed another Dom.

They had been a dream couple to train, unlike some of the other ones Phoenix had been stuck with.

Still, he enjoyed doing it because he wanted people to practice BDSM safely. He wanted people to have the right mindset and the understanding of how it worked to enjoy their desires. There were too many horror stories out there, from Doms and subs alike, where things had gone awry because they had not known how to do it safely or say stop when the signs showed.

A common mistake was a sub not knowing how to assert their limits, or Doms not knowing the tells of their subs before trying to push limits. Submitting to another human being should never be done without knowing that human was one to be trusted to care. And dominating should always be done with the intention to please, not hurt. Even if pain was the desire, it should be done from a place of meeting the desire for pain.

Never pain for the sake of pain.

"Do you need me to help you with anything, or do you want to do aftercare alone?" Phoenix brushed Daisy's hair in a calming way to let her know he would stay to supervise if she needed it. "I booked the room for another few hours, so take the time you need."

"How about a long bubble bath, Daisy?" Jon stared lovingly into her eyes.

"Sounds perfect."

Phoenix nodded at them. "I'll go turn on the water, and then I'll leave you to it. Text me your schedule, and I'll book you for our next session, ok?"

"Will do." Jon gave Phoenix a handshake.

With the water running into the large tub and some scented bubble bath solution poured into it, Phoenix grabbed his things and waved at the couple relaxing on the bed. Daisy sent him a soft smile before returning her attention to Jon. He quietly closed the door to the playroom behind him and walked down the hall and up the stairs to the VIP rooms where his own was located.

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