xxxvii - blue eyed boy

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"Apparently," Melissa starts, catching Leon's attention. He was nursing a hangover and a spotty memory after him and the couple's bender last night.

The brunette looks over at where she is standing, at his bedroom door, holding a container of mini red velvet cupcakes. He smiles softly as she walks in and closes the door behind her. This trip has led them to form an unlikely friendship. I guess, being the only two with no sexual chemistry whatsoever in the suite is a key factor.

"Apparently, you were Alec's first kiss," Melissa continues as she sits against the headboard beside Leon. Leon raises an eyebrow at the random allegation. He puts his hand out for Melissa to give him a cupcake before he says anything. When she complies he says, "And who provided you with this information?" Melissa grins. "The man himself. We were playing truth or dare last night." "At your big age," Leon snorts. Melissa sends a glare his way, "Care to elaborate on the situation. He wouldn't tell me so now I'm curious."

"It literally happened two years ago. He had a crush on me, so he decided to kiss me on his fourteenth birthday." Leon laughs to himself at the distant memory as he eats the cupcake. "How old were you?" "His birthday is a month after mine so I had just turned sixteen. If I was still going to school here then I would've been in year eleven while he was in year nine." Melissa grimaces as she chews. Leon doesn't miss the change in expression. "I know, I know. I felt bad for him because I could and would never like him back. Everything was so awkward for a while. The fact that I had to go back to Germany right after drove a huge wedge between us. It's not even that big of an age difference but that didn't make me feel like any less of a nonce." Melissa pauses as she licks icing off of her finger.

"Wait, is this why Shay gets so aggy when you and Alec are together?" Leon groans. "Is it that noticeable," he sighs. "The atmosphere gets icy Leon," She deadpans. "I don't know why he can't let it go. Alec and Scott have had their little thing going on for months clearly and nothing has been said to me. I treat the both of them like my little brothers. The only person that should have a problem with either relationships are the people involved."

"I love Shay, but he's a pain in the fucking ass." Melissa laughs at Leon's scowl, amused at the love the group has for each other no matter how annoyed they get.

"I talked to your mum earlier on." Arden smiles against Nevaeh's skin. The couple had refused to leave his bed. Now, Nevaeh is laying with her head propped up by pillows while Arden lays over her, his head resting on her chest. His embrace is like a weighted blanket. It's comforting.

"She texted me, saying her PA showed her your post. She's happy we're finally official lol." Arden's smile widens at his girlfriend's use of text abbreviations. "See, she doesn't think you're playing with my feelings." Arden's hand flies to his head, where Nevaeh pulled his hair in response to his comment.

"You are crazy." She doesn't respond, instead patting the area on his head that she had assaulted. "Melissa texted me saying that she doesn't think anyone has left their rooms. Before she took refuge in Leon's she hadn't seen Alec or Scott either." Arden closes his eyes as Nevaeh starts to play with his hair again. "We've gone out every day since we got here, I don't blame them." Nevaeh smiles sweetly down at her boyfriend laying on her chest.

He had put his phone on do not disturb a while after he'd woken up. The birthday messages wouldn't stop coming. He is so grateful, truly, but it was starting to give him a migraine.

"You're so cute." The corners of Arden's mouth quirk up into a grin at her comment. He wraps his arms around her tighter, basking in their little love bubble. Nevaeh pulls her fingers through her boyfriend's hair, pulling at the length.

"Your hair has gotten so long," she observes. The blonde boy smiles. "Do you want me to cut it?" Nevaeh looks down at the eighteen-year-old with his eyes closed. "No I love it like this." Nevaeh beams at her boyfriend's hair that is free from the clutches of the agressive English combover. "You haven't had it this long in years. Leave it like this for a while." Arden nods his head, placing a kiss on her collarbone as he moves himself up. Nevaeh's eyes flutter close when their lips meet, the only thing they seem to be doing today.

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