v - cat got your tongue?

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for anyone that has no idea irish secondary schools finish in may but english secondary finish somewhere in july so for writing purposes i'm using the irish summer holidays. ik other countries finish earlier too so

carry on :)


"Last party before summer." Nevaeh looks up at Arden standing in her doorway. It takes her a few seconds to digest the image in front of her. Arden Oliver is standing at her bedroom entrance in a crisp black suit with a sage tie. A tie that Nevaeh is making him wear, not that he had any complaints.

"Cat got your tongue?" Arden smiles slyly. Nevaeh snaps out of her daze and rolls her eyes. She is however sat at her vanity in pyjama shorts and a tank top. Nevaeh could be wearing a Thomas the Tank Engine costume and Arden would only notice her dark brown eyes staring back into his. "You're early," she comments, ignoring his comment. Arden nods, walking further into Nevaeh's room uninvited.

"I forgot how much you procrastinate. The others are nearly here." The Olivers and Fischers had been neighbours since Nevaeh moved to England. Their affluent estate located in Greenhithe, Kent. Over the years their houses had flourished and land expanded but they still lived a driveway over. A very long driveway nevertheless. The rest of the clique were not as close. Shay and Alec lived in the newer part of the neighbourhood and Scott lived in the richer side of the Bexley borough. It was too much effort commuting back and forth across the city sometimes so Scott stays over at Nevaeh's house a lot of the time. Not that her parents mind. As much as Nevaeh loves them, they travel a lot.

"I like your hair." Arden sits down behind Nevaeh on the edge of her bed, holding eye contact with her through the large mirror in front of her. Nevaeh smiles. "Thank you." At first she was going to be extra and wear one of her wigs, a green wavy one but lost motivation to find it and decided to go natural instead. She had tied her dark curls up into a bun with curls spilling out to frame her face. Arden thinks this is when she looks her prettiest. Collarbone on show, gold nose ring reflecting the light. Once again he would never voice this opinion. What he would do to kiss-

"I like your bracelet." Nevaeh offers Arden a cheeky grin. She had basically put together his whole outfit. Along with his dark green dress shoes. "Thanks, I'll be sure to pass it on to my stylist." Nevaeh laughs, turning around to face Arden properly now that she is done her eyeliner. Talking to him through her mirror feels oddly intimate.

She soon disappears into her walk in closet to pull on her large dress

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She soon disappears into her walk in closet to pull on her large dress.

When she reappears she wordlessly stands in front of Arden, gesturing to her back.

Arden grips the zip at her waist, leisurely pulling it up the curve of Nevaeh's spine. Nevaeh doesn't realise she's holding her breath until Arden clasps her shoulders.

"You look beautiful Nev." Nevaeh suppresses her smile at nickname. "I would hope so." Arden laughs. "Let's go, we've got places to be."

Now the teenagers are on their way to their schools dance hall, practically a ballroom. Arden is driving Nevaeh. Freedom with Shay, and Alec and Scott, all in three separate cars.

Arden pulls out of their estate in his red Audi. The family has an array of cars.

"God, I didn't think Brandon could get any more pathetic," Nevaeh mutters. Arden hears her, waiting for an explanation that he knows is coming next.

"He keeps throwing insults at Alec, as if he didn't get embarrassed in front of the whole sixth form. He's such an excuse of a person. Fair enough, he's battling the fucking demons of internalised homophobia but fuck me." Arden's eyes widen. He glances at Nevaeh before focusing his eyes back on the road. He's too late though because a truck speeds past, taking them with it and simultaneously throwing them off the side of- Joking, joking, that would be a little too cliche.

Nevaeh chuckles. "The only reason he is so bitter is because Alec rejected him last summer." Arden lets out a loud laugh at this. "No fucking way baby Alec swerved him." "Yeah, apparently Brandon tried to kiss him when we went to that theme park in August and Alec dipped out in front of a load of people from their year," Nevaeh laughs, the amount of money she would've paid to see Brandon's face. "Anyway, now Brandon hates him and thinks it's okay to out him since he's embarrassed." Everyone in the group knows Alec isn't straight he just isn't ready to have to conversation with his brother yet. Arden shakes his head, laughter finally dying down. "If Shay knew someone tried to kiss his baby brother without permission he'd castrate them." Arden starts laughing again as Nevaeh nods amused.

Arden punctually pulls into a parking space behind the school, in the student's designated parking area.

Nevaeh feels the corners of her mouth tilt up as Arden opens her door. "Your arm, Lady Fischer?" She grimaces playfully before laughing as she loops her arm through his. "Thank you-" Nevaeh pauses to roll my eyes. "-Sir Oliver." Arden beams contently. "See this is why you're the dork because you say shit like this." Arden's laughter sounds through the car park.

"Dance with me. The last slow dance of the summer Arden." Said boy's lip twitches at the sound of his name on the shorter's lips.

"Please," Nevaeh pleads placing her head on Arden's shoulder, looking up at him and batting her eyelashes. She then tops it off with a pout when she senses Arden hesitating. It is all an act on his part. She doesn't have to ask twice for anything.

Arden rolls his eyes pushing Shay's voice saying he's whipped to the back of his mind. "Come on then." Nevaeh grins. She doesn't waste any time getting up and pulling him with her when the song changes.

Arden pulls Nevaeh close, one arm wrapping around her waist and the other clasping her hand. Nevaeh then starts swaying to the beat, Arden following. Soon all the two can hear is the faint beat of the melody, overwhelmed by each other's presence.

"What?" Nevaeh whispers questioningly even though she is staring right back at Arden. "I don't know. I guess you're just really attractive." Nevaeh throws her head back laughing as Arden shrugs. She leans forward again, her laughter simmering down, resting her cheek against Arden's shoulder.

"You know what?" Arden leans down, Nevaeh pressing her lips against his ear. "You're really attractive too."

The corners of Arden's mouth quirk up, the grip on her waist tightening. He grins into Nevaeh's hair, pulling her impossibly closer.

Arden wouldn't hesitate to admit how cheesy he acts towards Nevaeh, her likewise, but it was either that or they were throwing insults at each other.

No in-between.

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