xxxii - hi girlfriend

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"Do you need something or are you just going to stand there like a fucking mannequin?"

Freedom rolls her eyes in annoyance, accompanied with a scoff, at the hesitant teenage boy that doesn't even attempt to reply.

For a few more moments he stands, and she sits in silence. Freedom ends up resorting to scrolling through her feed to ignore the awkward tension.

"Will you come stay with me for a bit? I want to talk to you." Freedom's thumb freezes on her phone screen, not expecting those words to come out of Shay's mouth.

"At least take me on a fucking date first."  Finally, for the first time this week, Shay's face spreads into a grin because of Freedom.

"I don't want to have sex with you Oliver," he enunciates chuckling. "Again," He smiles. Freedom fights one of her own. "God, I'm not that shitty of a person." Freedom visibly relaxes. "Well, when you say stuff like that, I can only assume." "Just get changed and come to my room," he says, referring to the two piece she's still wearing. Freedom nods slowly, too distracted by her curiosity to oppose.

Distracted by her thoughts, Freedom changes into her pyjamas; consisting of satin leopard print shorts and a cropped black tank top with a matching lace hem. She then quickly brushes her teeth and wipes her face free of any makeup. Then she brushes her hair, putting a hair tie on her wrist. Finished with her night routine, Freedom makes her way across the living space to Shay's room. She walks in, closing the door behind her, and locking it without hesitation.

Shay, who is sat on the end of his bed with his elbows resting on his knees with his phone in his hand, looks up at the new presence. He smiles adoringly at the girl in front of him, unable to keep up with his uncaring persona, that he has been directing towards her, anymore.

Uncharacteristically, Freedom suddenly feels very shy. She could never utter the words out loud but this boy really makes her feel some type of way.

"Stop looking at me like that," she mumbles, playing with her fingers nervously.

"How do you want me to look at you?" Shay can't wipe the smile off his face as he teases her. He can't get that night out of his head. "How else am I supposed to look at someone as pretty as you?" Freedom watches Shay advance towards her. "You and Arden are just as bad as each other, god." "What? It's the truth," Shay grins innocently as he comes to a stop in front of her. Their chests practically touching when either of them take a breath in.

Freedom's eyes widen because without realising, he's now backed her up against the door. "Shay," Freedom warns as he secures a hand on her bare hip. "What?" He repeats. Freedom's mouth opens and closes but no words come out. Shay places his other hand on the side of her neck, waiting for an objection. When Freedom remains quiet as they hold eye contact, Shay leans down to the shorter, forgetting about the conversation he wanted to have.

"You can't take this back, Shay. Not again." Freedom didn't mean to sound that vulnerable, she just can't hide her feelings any longer. As much as she acts like them going back and forth doesn't affect her, it does and she can't do it anymore. "I can't do this again Shay. It's all or nothing now." Shay's eyes soften. He curses silently at himself; Annoyed that it has taken him this long to be sure of his feelings for his best friend's sister.

"I'm sorry. I'm a fucking idiot," he frowns, leaning his head against hers as his thumb caresses behind her ear. Freedom leans her head into his hand, blatantly aware of the butterfli- pterodactyls thrashing around in her stomach. Can't be too cliche now can we.

"I can't promise I won't fuck up again because like I said, I'm a fucking idiot. However," Shay draws out, "I want you. You make me happy and you make me less of a dickhead." Freedom starts laughing at Shay's attempt to be sweet, she knows she's easily a bigger dickhead than him.

"How sweet," she laughs, pushing back the hair falling into his eyes. "I guess you make me happy too." Shay smiles fondly, not even fazed by her teasing. "-When you're not being a dickhead." Shay frowns.

I could stare at this girl all day.


"As happy as you make me," Freedom starts, bringing Shay out of his thoughts. "My brother," she deadpans. Shay immediately drops his head into her shoulder, his arms going around her torso, making Freedom chuckle. She wraps her arms around his neck as he leans further into hers.

"It was never about your brother Dom, he's basically already given me his approval. I just didn't want to ruin anything. But staying away from you seems to be doing more damage than not. So I don't care anymore. If Arden does get mouthy you can pull the 'but you're with my best friend' card." Freedom tilts her head back into the door as she lets out a laugh. "Nevaeh will easily shut him down. He's whipped." Freedom raises an eyebrow at the boy cuddling her. "Yeah, he's whipped." Shay raises his head at this. "Was that an indirect insult?" Freedom starts laughing again, her cheeks hurting from the excessive grinning. Shay adoringly watches her laugh. Catching her off guard, he lifts her up and carries her to his bed.

Freedom's laughter comes to a halt as she flops onto the comfy sheets. She looks up at Shay smiling and flutters her eyelashes jokingly. Shay raises an eyebrow, moving to hover over her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Another round of laughter hits Freedom at the lack of romantic setting that usually accompanies such a question. A common trait between the best friends. Shay beams at her. "Of course I will," she giggles, tugging him towards her. Before she knows it, he's moved the two into a different position.

Freedom sits up as she straddles her boyfriend, to tie her hair up. "I've seen a lot of memes of what's happening right now," Shay smirks, humour evident in his voice as he refers to Freedom pulling her chestnut hair into a ponytail. "Shut up." Freedom rolls her eyes despite the smile tugging at her lips. She doesn't care if it seems like they are rushing things. The sexual tension over the past few weeks has been unbearable.

When she's done tightening her ponytail she directs her attention back to Shay, not like she hadn't taken her eyes off of him the whole time. He cups her cheek with his palm, pulling her closer to him. His eyes constantly flicking to her lips.

"Hi girlfriend," he smiles. "Hi boyfriend." A small smile spreads on Freedom's face before they do everything but talk.

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