xxvii - happy

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"Melissa is flying with us," Nevaeh announces.

She draws everyone's eyes to her as she walks into the Oliver's sitting room followed by Freedom.

"And who made this executive decision?" Alec inquires with a raised eyebrow. "We did," Freedom answers. She crosses her arms as if leaving no room for discussion. "We're staying at Maed in Manhattan remember? The hotel owned by London's parents." Alec nods slowly in realisation. "And I'm guessing you know London is going to be here this week of all weeks so it only makes sense that we bring Melissa too so she can shoot her shot. Your minds," He says in mock admiration of their brain cells finally coming together for something useful. The two girls nod smirking, proud of their brilliant plan.

"I still can't believe their hotel is called that," Arden snorts. "I know, I love it. Apparently it all started as a joke when her parents were just starting up their business but now they're worldwide." Even when Nevaeh isn't talking about something particularly awe-worthy Arden can't help but stare at her in adoration. They've only been dating for a week so he's still caught in the honeymoon phase. Though, ever since their first date it feels like all his feelings have been amplified. 

He smiles as their eyes meet, focusing all his energy on not walking across the room and crashing his lips against hers. Arden is overwhelmed by the inexplicable joy he feels when he catches her eyes. He doesn't know what any of these new emotions mean. He also doesn't really think he is feeling anything new towards Nevaeh. The feelings have been there for a while. Now I'm just not scared to feel them anymore so I have become painfully aware of them.

Arden doesn't know how or when to relay his emotions to Nevaeh. Have I fallen too quickly? Or am I falling at a normal pace and she feels the same? I need some fucking instructions on this bullshit.

He tunes back into the conversation his friends are having as they start talking about his upcoming birthday. Eighteenth birthday.

"Can you believe that? We're turning eighteen in three days Arden. Eighteen. We're going to be legal." The corners of Arden's mouth lift up whilst he listens to his excited twin. "I know Dom, it's a bit mad. I still remember getting dressed in matching clothes with you till we were like, eight," Arden laughs, reminiscing. Freedom beams at the memories of their childhood.

"I remember our parents giving us baths together when we had sleepovers," Shay jokes, as the memory pops into his head. Arden reaches over his girlfriend to punch his best friend, who is sat at the other end of the sofa. "We do not talk about that." "No, no, how could we not? I swear we all used to take it in turns. Two at a time," Leon cackles. "I've definitely shared a bathtub with you and we were definitely not five feet apart." Arden groans as the group laugh at Leon's reference.

"Maybe you two are the reason why I love the best of both worlds." At this, he can't help the laugh that slips out. He throws his head back in laughter as Shay mirrors him. "Uh, what about me? I'm hurt Leon," Scott speaks up in faux sadness. Leon grins. "Of course you contributed Scotty, look at you." Said boy grins back at Leon, snorting at his response.

"I don't think baby Alec had even been born yet. Sorry kid," Leon apologises smirking, ruffling Alec's chocolate curls in the process. Alec swats Leon's hand away with a pout, making the rest laugh at his expense.

"We've changed so much since then," Nevaeh comments, smiling distantly. "Yeah, we have," Arden replies softly. He cracks his knuckles in an attempt to to stop himself from laying his hand on her thigh or wrapping his arm around her waist.

He has a bit of an obsession with putting his hands all over her- not that he's willing to admit that any time soon.

Freedom stares at her two best friends in adoration. She can't even put into words how happy she is for them, yet deep down she feels somewhat jealous. She can tell from a mile away how smitten they are with each other, so she is impatiently waiting for Nevaeh to clue her in on their new status.

The one boy that she wants to look at her like her brother is currently looking at her best friend is sat right by the two lovebirds, but they are sat as far away from each other as possible. The sex changed nothing, seemingly drove them further apart.

"Now, onto more pressing matters. Who is riding with who in the morning?" Alec asks, remembering they have to leave in only a few hours, considering it's past midnight.

"Are we taking two cars?" Scott asks. "Yes. Melissa is meeting us there so it'll be the seven of us getting driven there," Nevaeh answers, trying to suppress a yawn.

"I'll go with the two girls in one car and you four can go in the other. Can we go to sleep now? We have to wake up in literally four hours. We need to be up an hour before we have to leave at six, so I suggest we go to bed right now." The group nods, agreeing instantly.

"I just know we shouldn't go near either of these two before we get to New York," Arden laughs, referring to Nevaeh and Freedom. "Shut the fuck up, you know you're the crankiest little shit in the morning. Don't even chat." Nevaeh scoffs at her boyfriend, elbowing him in the gut. He throws his head back laughing as he tries to shield himself from getting beat up.

"I guess this'll never change," Scott chuckles as they watch the couple fight- More like, watch Nevaeh practically abuse Arden as he annoys her further by laughing obnoxiously.


triple update bc it's been so long

i love the current and next few chapters

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