xxxiv - people smile, on.

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"So..." Nevaeh draws Freedom's attention from her mascara to her face with an expectant look.

"What," Freedom giggles, the act becoming less unusual for her, knowing exactly what Nevaeh is trying to get out of her.

Nevaeh rolls her eyes, laughing because of Freedom's contagious happiness. "Come on. I caught what Melissa said. Our closest neighbours," Nevaeh air quotes, "Are four doors downs. So unless they're on some Edward Cullen type shit, we probably wouldn't even hear a gunshot because the walls are so thick." Freedom shakes her head, unable to keep the grin off her face.

"Okay we did it, god Vae." Nevaeh's eyes practically bulge out of her head. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Freedom's grin widens. "Shut up!" she whisper shouts. "If Arden fucking hears you." Nevaeh throws her head back in laughter, suddenly giddy about this new piece of information.

"I cannot fucking believe you." Nevaeh claps hysterically. "Melissa, that poor girl. She's already suffering from insomnia then you had to add to her pile." Freedom cackles, reaching out to slap Nevaeh's arm. "It wasn't like that. I promise we tried to be quiet."

"Well you didn't try hard enough." The two girls heads snap to the door where Melissa is standing.

"Melissa," Freedom chokes. "I nearly just went into fucking cardiac arrest. Come in and close the door before the devil himself appears." Melissa laughs at Freedom's panicked expression, nevertheless she does what is asked of her.

"Sorry about last night. It just happened." Freedom smiles bashfully. "I know it's not the most romantic, impulsively shagging in a hotel room full of people. I didn't think it could get any better than the first time. I was wrong." Melissa scoffs. "The sexual tension that had engulfed you two was suffocating. I'd be mad if you hadn't fucked." The three girls erupt into childish laughter at this before Melissa and Nevaeh simultaneously. 

"When was the first time?!" Nevaeh practically screams. Freedom grimaces. "A few days ago." She holds her hand up as their mouths drop open. "I know, I'm sorry for not saying anything. It was so impulsive and I was annoyed so I was trying to pretend it never happened." The girls nod in understanding, still floored nevertheless.

"Anyway," Freedom smiles, changing the subject, "What about you babe? You were uncharacteristically happy this morning." She raises an eyebrow. Nevaeh's face almost cracks trying to harbour her smile. "We may have done some stuff too," she practically whispers. The two other girls' jaws drop.

Before Freedom can exclaim anything, Nevaeh quickly adds, "Not all the way!" she hushes. Freedom holds a hand over her heart, still unable to pick her jaw off the flaw. "Everything did come off though," she smirks. Melissa starts cackling. "You little bitch oh my god!" Nevaeh shoves Melissa away laughing as she tries to finish her eyeliner.

The girls take pride in their theatrics, exclaiming to entertain themselves.

"Wait, wait," Freedom exclaims as she still tries to grasp the situation. "So, you've both seen it all?" Nevaeh slowly nods as she twists her liquid eyeliner shut. "We took a shower together." Nevaeh has only participated in shower antics once in her life and it was no where near as enjoyable as last night.

The two girls gasp again. "No you fucking did not!" Freedom slaps her hand over her mouth in shock. "You vowed to never again so I'm guessing it was better than Jacob?" "Yup." "I'm so proud of you," Freedom sniffles. "Our little girl is growing up." Melissa adds to the theatrics. "Shut up," Nevaeh drawls, laughing in reply.

Nevaeh finds this situation particularly funny, considering the array of unholy activities she has participated in. But this is the first for her and Arden. She mentally laughs at the thought of the line they had so desperately tried to keep drawing over the last few months, to prevent a situation exactly like this happening.

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