xxiv - your protective second family

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i am so sorry i didn't realise i just casually went MIA lolll i've been soo preoccupied with life oops


Hours later, Scott finds himself back at Alec's house. This time to talk to the older of the brothers.

He walks down the hall to stop in front of Shay's door, scared of the looming darkness.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea after all to come over in the evening. Shay could easily get rid of his body without anyone seeing, the sounds drowned out by the twilight. To be fair, he could do that in broad daylight too, he has the money to hire hitmen and even more to pay people to dispose of the body without a blink of an eye.

Shaking the morbid thoughts out of his head, Scott pushes the slightly ajar door fully open.

"Took your time. I thought you'd try and avoid me forever."

Shay turns his desk chair towards his bed where Scott sits down with a sigh.

"I nearly did but Nevaeh told me otherwise so here I am." Shay frowns at the mention of Nevaeh, remembering the other week's events. Scott is quick to catch this and finds an opportunity to delay their talk.

"She got really in her head about all the eyes on her. I don't blame some people because it's hard not to notice her," Scott laughs, leaning back into his hands. Shay also cracks a smile. "Yeah, she always seems to be the centre of attention, she just stands out above everyone no matter what. You can't miss her," Shay speaks fondly, Nevaeh like a little sister to him. "But she was in bad shape. The girl's fucking anaemic and still works harder than some people, but she does burn out too. You'd think she'd be able to take better care of herself now than when we were younger but-" "She's even more stubborn and careless now," Scott chuckles.

Shay nods, rolling his eyes humorously.

"Anyway, you obviously came in here on a mission so get on with it."

Scott rolls his eyes, but yet does what he's told. "I know you told me that it's none of your business who your brother dates but I know what you're like. I know that you're pissed that I've fucked with him so for that I'm sorry. This isn't an excuse but shit's tough and I was confused so I couldn't translate my feelings properly." Shay frowns at Scott while he talks. Scott's anxious composure noticeable.

"Okay I accept your apology and whatever, why do you look so anxious? I don't care anymore, it's yours and his carajo to sort out." [Shit]. Shay tries to reassure but comes out more blunt than he hoped.

"I know we're brothers and all but I've always had that thought at the back of my mind." Shay raises an eyebrow, tilting his head. "Just- I guess being on three different sport teams isn't as fun as it used to be. Being the Korean football captain is enough for me. I don't need to be the bisexual Korean football captain too. For the longest time it didn't matter how English my accent was or how much smarter than them I was. And now it won't matter how much I work out or how many girls I pull." Shay feels the sudden need to go on a rant. But he knows that's not what Scott needs. Whether Scott accepts it or not Shay knows Scott knows him and Arden would knock out anyone that talked shit about their brother. Nothing would ever change that.

"You need me to listen to you right now, but I won't. I refuse to listen to you spew bullshit. We both know for a fact that there's homophobic people on the team, but where is there not? If anyone starts acting big you put them in their fucking place. I don't think you even need Arden and I. I've seen you beat down melts before for acting up. Sometimes people forget who the captain and best footballer is, so all you have to do is remind them."

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