xxxiii - just kiss me

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Shay peers over at the brunette on the other side of the bed. As his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, he takes in the image in front of him. Freedom with a low bun that has multiple flyaways from her moving in her sleep. The hand not laying by her side, resting across his torso. The duvet covering her bare back, a reminder of last night's events.

He smiles to himself as he remembers. He didn't stick around for this visual last time. He's glad he's gotten a second chance.

"You look pretty content so early in the morning." Shay's smile widens at the sound of Freedom's voice. He looks down to see her mirroring his expression, her blue eyes practically shining.

"You can't say much. I can barely open my eyes because of the light beaming from your smile." Shay scrunches his eyes closed for effect. Freedom rolls her eyes despite the grin etched into her features.

"Whatever," she laughs, moving to sit up as Shay does too. The two lean against the headboard, Freedom keeping the sheets over her chest by tucking them under her arms.

"I'm just surprised I was only your third. I thought the quality of last time was a fluke, but no." Despite the compliment Shay groans, remembering Freedom along with everyone else in the group, knows his body count. "I almost forgot that nothing is kept secret with us." Freedom cackles at her boyfriend's scarlet cheeks. It's not necessarily a low or high number depending on your perspective and own experience, but Shay cringes at the fact the lack of privacy means he knows his girlfriend is more experienced.

Freedom doesn't show any indication that his lack of partners compared to her was apparent last night. "Everyone knows everyone's body count. It's not like we try to keep it a secret." Freedom pauses, a thought popping into her head. "I think Alec is the only one that can actually keep secrets from us. Fuck knows how long him and Scott have been fucking." Freedom says dramatically, ignoring the grimace on Shay's face at the mention of his baby brother's sex life again, "Or who else he's gotten with." She then laughs again as she glances at Shay. "Okay, okay. I'll stop," Freedom chuckles as he starts pinching her side.

"Well I'm honoured to be your-" Shay pretends to count, mouthing numbers to himself. "Shut up dickhead." Freedom punches his shoulder, yet can't wipe the grin off her face. "Are you calling me a whore Mr. Hudson?" Freedom questions as Shay grips her wrist to stop her attacks. Shay grins back. "If the shoe fits." Freedom scoffs loudly acting unamused. "Wow, okay I see how it is," she pouts, crossing her arms.

Shay watches Freedom, entertained by her faux annoyance. After all his self control went out the window last night he doesn't hesitate to pin Freedom across his hotel bed. Freedom looks slightly startled and amused as her head hits the mattress. "It doesn't matter who else you've been with because I was the best right?" Shay says smugly, his thumb unconsciously caressing her wrist. Freedom smirks slyly. "No comment," she teases, also shrugging to add to injury.

Shay raises an eyebrow, trying to suppress his smile. "I see how it is," he mutters dejectedly, starting to pull away. Freedom knows he's teasing her back so she slips her hand behind his neck before he can get off her.

"Just kiss me," she barely gets out before he does exactly that.

"Nev," Arden groans. She doesn't budge. "Nev please," he groans again. Nothing. "Nevaeh I need to go so bad. I will fully pee on you right now." Nevaeh instantly rolls over, bursting out laughing with her eyes still closed.

After a few moments she finally decides to open her eyes and go brush her teeth. Not really caring if Arden is done or not, considering what they did last night. Only oral, not wanting to censor themselves because of their roommates during their first time.

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