"Good thing I've got a washing machine and a mop then," Chris teases back, continuing his tickling assault as she drops to the floor, unable to remain standing in her fit of laughter.

Opal attempts to roll onto her back thinking that Chris will stop since he's behind her. Unfortunately for her he's trained to change his maneuver quickly and before she can even say another word he's essentially straddling her on the ground. She continues putting up a fight, even kicking her legs. "Easy with the knees Ope! I'd like to have kids one day," Chris chuckles.

Spencer looks over at Laura. "Do you think we should be in the room for this?"

"Ya know, y'all could at least wait on the foreplay until you're alone!" Laura yells out attempting to be heard over all of the boisterous laughter.

Realizing the awkward position Chris has put Opal in he stops tickling her, and moves off of her, kneeling beside her instead. "You okay?" he asks.

Thinking he's talking about the pain from the tickles and laughter she gives an out of breath response, "yeah," before giving a small giggle. "I haven't laughed like that in forever."

"Glad I could be of service," he responds with a smile. Chris stands and offers his hands to help Opal get back onto her feet.

"Why don't y'all set up Monopoly? I'll be right back," she says before walking towards the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" Laura asks.

"To change. I peed a little," Opal answers which sends all of them into a fit of hysterics.


Opal POV

"Bye guys," I say once more as we move Laura and Spencer closer to Chris' apartment door.

We'd spent the last five hours having lunch, playing cards and board games. It was fun, and I enjoyed myself, but I'm glad to have Chris to myself. We had missed our time together this morning since he was at the station for several hours earlier in the day.

"Talk tomorrow?" Laura asks. I nod my head as she steps out of the door. "Bye."

I close the door and turn back to where I thought Chris was still behind me. I sigh as I see him start to collapse on the couch. I go to sit beside him, just on the edge. "Tired?"

"A bit," he admits, resting a hand on my leg.

"We can call it a night if you want?" I offer, but still hopeful that he'll decline my idea.

"What time is it?" he asks with a yawn as he rubs his eyes with his fingers.

I glance at my watch before answering. "4:00."

"Shoot." He sits up abruptly pulling his phone out quickly.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"We have a date, or did you forget?"

"Not exactly. I just figured it was like a movie date again. But you're exhausted. Let's just do an early dinner and call it a day," I tell him.

I watch as he continues to mess around with his phone, trying not to be nosey but it's a little difficult when he's sitting right there. I feel a little out of place all of a sudden and decide to move, giving him his space. I don't get far as Chris grabs my arm and pulls me back down onto the couch as he lays back, giving me his chest as a pillow; a very hard, chiseled pillow, but a pillow none the less.

"Okay. We're good for about another hour," he says setting his phone on the coffee table.

"I'll let you get some rest then." Again I attempt to leave him just to be held against him once more.

Every New Beginning... (Chris Evans AU)Where stories live. Discover now