Too Many Innuendos...

Start from the beginning

"You put it on, then I'll feed you a spoonful of the baby food."

You nod and take the blindfold from Dan's hand, tying it around your head so it covers your eyes. You hear a clink of glass, then Dan making a noise of disgust. He starts chuckling.

"You're going to love this one, it smells so good," he says, sounding as if he's trying not to laugh. "Open your mouth."

You do as he says, opening your mouth as he puts the spoon into it. You immediately scrunch up your nose in disgust as you taste the baby food, but manage to swallow it anyway.

"Eugh! What was that?" you exclaim. "Oh wait. I have to guess, don't I?"

"Yep," Dan confirms.

"Um... mushroom?" you guess. "Maybe mushroom pasta?"

"Almost. It's spinach and mushroom spaghetti," he says, laughing at your disgusted expression.

You take the blindfold off. "I don't recommend that one for... any babies watching."

Dan laughs again. "Well, you guessed the baby food wrong, and you know what that means." He grins cheesily and waves the electric shock device in the air.

You turn to the camera and mime crying as Dan attaches the electric shock device to your arm.

"Tell me if it hurts too much," he says, his brown eyes sincere for a moment. You nod with a smile, and he turns to the camera again, grinning. "That's what she said. Are you ready, Y/n? Do you want me to count you in?"

"Nah, just go for it."

As soon as you finish your sentence, you feel a slightly painful shock travel up your arm quickly. You wince a bit, but it's not too sore. A few seconds later, Dan turns the machine off.

"You okay?" he asks, taking the sticky bits of the machine off your arm.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad actually," you reply with a shrug.

*le few minutes later*

"Well, I think that's a good time to end the video. Thanks for watching! Subscribe if you liked it, give it a cheeky thumbs up - you know the drill. My last video is up there somewhere," Dan says, gesturing to his left. "And the gaming video is down there. Bye!"

He leans forward and turns the camera off, then glances at you briefly before looking at the mess around you. There are about twelve baby food jars in a plastic bag, some of them leaking all over the inside of the bag. There's also some baby food on the carpet - Dan missed the bin when he was spitting it out.

"That looks like vomit," he says, voicing your thoughts. He makes a disgusted face.

"Yeah... would you like some help to clear it up?" you ask, looking away from the baby food and fixing your eyes on Dan.

He looks back, his warm brown eyes meeting your e/c ones. Then he smiles. "Yes please - thank you for offering."

"That's okay," you reply. "So, do you have any carpet cleaner?"

*le time skip*

With the help of the pretty amazing carpet cleaner, Dan and you manage to make the carpet look as good as new.

"Well done, us," Dan says, extending his hands up and whooping dramatically.

You laugh quietly. Suddenly, you start to notice his features a lot more. The way his brown eyes seem to sparkle in the light, the little occasional freckle dotted across his cheeks, his fringe styled to perfection.

Dan blushes, and that's when you realise you were staring at him.

Oh man. This is why I don't go outside, you think, internally scolding yourself.

"Uh, h-have I got baby food on my face or something?" he asks you, his cheeks reddening further.

You take a few seconds to compose yourself before replying. "No, sorry."

There's an awkward silence, in which you both avoid each other's eyes.

You clear your throat. "Thank you so much for inviting me over here and doing the video, but I should probably get home now... I have some things to do."

Dan looks at you, and you think you see a trace of sadness in his eyes. He quickly covers it up with a smile. "Oh. That's okay - thank you for coming over, it was really fun."

"It was," you agree, getting up from the floor reluctantly and grabbing your handbag.

"Couldn't you stay for a bit longer?" he asks from behind you, hope in his tone. "Sorry. I mean, it'd be lovely if you stayed here for a lunch/dinner type of thing. We could get a takeaway...?"

You open your mouth to reply, but he quickly cuts you off.

"I understand if you have important things to do. It's just that Phil and I would really enjoy your company."

"I'd love to stay, but I wouldn't want to intrude or anything," you reply awkwardly. Your mum's messages can probably wait, you've decided.

"You wouldn't be intruding at all! Anyway, you've got to admit, it's much nicer here than over there," he gestures out the window towards your shared house.

"That's very true," you reply, laughing briefly. "Okay. I'll stay."

Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now