Angel's Trumpet

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"Hi." I said looking at the two archangels in front of me.

Raphael drank the rest of his glass and wiped his mouth picking up the bottle that spilled all over the white floor.

Michael said nothing but he stared on curiously. We all stood there for a moment just absorbing each other in, in silence, the small beat of fluttering wings coming from a small cage on Raphael's desk. Everyone was silent until mom stepped in.

"Greetings prince Michael and Archangel Raphael." She bowed to them and I didn't know whether to follow her lead or not. But at the same time I found myself bowing my head. Scared to look at their shocked expressions. Raphael picked up the small cage and handed it to Bao.

"I'm relieved you're here, my younger sister wanted a full medicinal and poison report on the Cantharides insect, also known as the Spanish fly. I believe we have an extra report in the greenhouse." I turned my face up to Bao and he handed her the cage. "Go now, hurry." He said with a smile. I started to follow her but Michael stopped me.

"Not you (Y/n)." He said Bao whispered a quick 'sorry' to me before she disappeared around the door frame. We were all silent as the door clicked shut.

"We were worried sick!" Raphael wrapped his arms around me hugging me. Michael walked over and placed a hand on Raphael's shoulder. "When we heard from Hope that she couldn't find you in Elysium we thought the worst." He said. My mother looked at Raphael and shot him a jealous look. As if he was taking the place of my mother. "Where is Gabriel?" I asked and Michael stepped forwards.

"Resting, things fell apart after we found out you were gone." Michael said. "Gabriel needed to be dealt with or there would have been two deaths at the scene." He walked over to the desk and placed a hand on his temple. "Mind if I ask what happened?" My mother asked. I inhaled and Raphael spoke.

"Well for starters, happy birthday." Raphael said. I huffed. "I'm sorry we weren't able to salvage many of your gifts, the teapot I got you broke." He said Michael coughed and Raphael walked behind his desk sitting down on his chair. "You must be their mother, I assure you your child isn't in trouble at all, however I wouldn't say she didn't cause trouble." He said. "After your... departure, things got out of hand quickly." He said. "Let's just say Gabriel was intent on bringing Selever to his grave." My eyes widened. "Did he get hurt?" I asked.

Raphael nodded his head. "He was shot in the back by an arrow by Joan." He shot Michael a look and Michael sighed. "No, fortunately Gabriel had the least amount of injuries. However he's intent on seeing you again. To bad he's asleep at the moment to be able to see you." Michael sighed. "Even the almighty father almost threw a fit when we came carrying him into heavens gate." Michael placed his fingers on his temple.

My mother stepped in. "I know I just found this out a few minutes ago and I don't think I registered it completely, but I don't believe it for a second that this one landed a heavenly prince?"

"Mom!" I said my face flushed brightly and Raphael's eyes sparkled. "Aww that's cute!" He said hopping over the desk and pulling out a phone. "Oh wait that's just a picture of Spain hold on." Michael rolled his eyes. "Honestly I couldn't believe it at first either but I'm truly sorry to disappoint you Mrs. (Last name). But I think the term you're looking for is "stole his heart". " He shot Raphael a gentle look and Raphael's blush spoke volumes as he scrolled through the device.

"See this one's them holding hands. Cute right?" My mother looked at it and then back to me. "Uh huh." Raphael continued scrolling. "This is them sleeping. Look at them so precious." He said. He scrolled some more and pulled up a familiar moment in the golden skies of the sky tram. "Oh! And here's this one, it's one of my favorites." He said. I reached for his phone and slapped it out of his hand.

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now