Yellow Roses

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When I woke up the next morning I was met with two faces at my bedside, both giggling.

"You two are closer than before, what happened?" I said drowsily. Gabriel walked over to my curtains easing them open gently. "I ran into little niece when I went down to make breakfast." I opened my eyes more rubbing at them. "Gabriel wanted me to wake you up." Rasazy said. Gabriel laughed and sat down on his side of the bed running a hand through my hair.

"When I came into tell Rasazy it was time for breakfast I found her staring at you in your sleep." I yawned and turned over. "I want to sleep some more." I said. "Your wings hit me when I was asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night." Gabriel laughed and shook my shoulder. "Since your dad was busy with church this morning, Rasazy and I wanted to spend the day at the beach." I grumbled lifting a pillow over my head. "Just walk out back." I say. Rasazy poked my pillow before slowing inching towards my face. When she started poking at my eye I finally gave up and answered her.

"Yes Rasazy?" I sighed out. "Gabriel made pancakes outside, Michael and Uriel showed up." I lifted my head up whirling it around. "Hell keeper!" I shouted. Gabriel held me back pulling me back into his arms. "Calm down, Michael briefed her, she's just here for pancakes, and she brought pie as a peace offering, like an olive branch." I calmed down. "I don't know anything about her." I said. "She only met Rasazy once." Gabriel pressed a kiss against my ear. "Don't worry, us angels know our boundaries." I huffed reaching for Gabriel and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Okay, I'm up, but there better be (favorite pancake toppings) pancakes there, or you can kiss this relationship goodbye." I patted Rasazy's head. "Of course, I'm joking. Rasazy, go downstairs with Gabriel while I go get ready." I said

"Are you ready to go little niece?" Gabriel asked placing a hand on the top of her head. She nodded and he opened the door for her to walk out before he stopped leaning against the door. "I'm heading over to the house to pick up stuff and get Raphael, do you want anything?" He asked. I stretched before standing up and heading to the small closet beside my door. "What are you offering?" I asked shooting him a look his eyes narrowed and he pulled up his sleeves staring into my messy closet. "Well, I can get you the best cannoli from the bakery. Make you some warm coffee. Get you some therapy." I shot him a look. "Of course, I'm joking." He copied. I pushed his shoulder before grabbing his shirt and pushing his lips against mine.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Gabriel laughed holding my chin in his hand and deepening his kiss before pressing his head on mine. "Enjoy yourself a bit okay, don't worry so much?" He placed his lips on the shell of my ear breathing happy shivers down my spine. "I'll be back. Just try to make conversation with the real Uriel. I think you'll find that she's like Rasazy." He pulled back pressing a kiss to my nose. "She can be an absolute pill to swallow at first. But once you get her going, she's absolutely harmless and sweet." Gabriel poked my nose gently. "How hard could winning over Uriel be? I already won your heart, and that is quite the accomplishment." I laughed.

Gabriel's cheeks flushed a light pink. "Well, I'll see you down there honey." He waved to me before closing the door. When the door closed I let out a breath and shook my head, laughing under my breath. That man.

As I started dressing for the day I eyed Gabriel's coat hanging off my chair. I smiled reaching for the dark coat before taking one last look into my closet closing the door and heading out into the backyard letting my ears open to the crashing sounds of the waves as I walked towards the two archangels and Rasazy who were busy eating their pancakes and talking back and forth. I wrapped Gabriel's coat closer to my body as I sat beside Rasazy. Michael nodded my way chewing on his pancake, beside him Uriel was slathering her pancakes with syrup.

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now