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We all sat down at the dinner table and Gabriel mumbled a prayer before we ate.

I watched Rasazy carefully as she ate, making sure the food fitted her stomach. If it didn't I was all to willing to go and make her something to eat again. But as we ate Rasazy showed no sign of throwing up. And I was happy because she was actually enjoying the stuff placed in front of her.

But it was hard to admit it but I was jealous as I bit into the food. It tasted really good, the textures, the taste, the way the food seemed to be absolutely...


I shot Gabriel looks throughout dinner as he sipped on his wine talking with my father about the church and on side notes Michael taking over the church as the new pastor and giving up exorcising people.

The food on our table never seemed to end until Rasazy and I realized that our stomachs didn't have anymore room to digest the rest of the food on our plates. Gabriel even took a look at us and smiled reaching to hold my hand.

"Good?" I nodded and leaned back. My father smiled continuing to eat as Gabriel nursed his wine. Rasazy kicked her legs under the table her eyes dropping slightly. Her body was warm and full and I could just tell by the way her face looked that she was happy. I couldn't help but smile, Gabriel followed my eyes and he let out a tired sigh before shaking his head.

"Come here little one." He said setting down the glass and walking over to Rasazy picking her up. Rasazy's arms went around his neck and her legs wrapped around his torso as her eyes dropped. "Last door at the top of the stairs." I whispered. My father gathered the plates as Gabriel walked up the stairs quiet as a mouse.

"Go tuck Rasazy in, I'll handle the rest from here." Dad said turning on the faucet and rinsing off plates tucking them into the dishwasher. I smiled at him before following Gabriel and Rasazy walking ahead and opening the door to Rasazy's room. Gabriel handed Rasazy to me and I gently picked the bows and pins out of her hair. Gabriel turned away to look at the books on her wall and I took the chance to gently wake Rasazy up to get her into her pajamas before straight into bed.

"I take it she doesn't need a bedtime story?" Gabriel asked sitting on the other side of the bed he waved his hand over Rasazy's head and her braids undid themselves joining the flowing white river beneath her head, he raised the blanket over Rasazy.

"May Archangel Jerahmeel give you good dreams tonight child." He said rubbing her back. We walked out of the room closing the door and turning off the light making my way to my room. Gabriel took off his coat and set it on a chair before sitting down. "Where'd you learn this?" He reached for my hand. "I am not just strength for the weak, darling, I'm the archangel of fertility, pregnancy, birth, conception." I felt my face warm. "And the early childhood of baby's and infants." He said.

"I feel bad looking at my niece like that." I looked up at him questioningly. "Why's that?" I asked and he sighed out. "It's difficult to explain, you see, Rasazy and her brother. Aren't born yet. They aren't even conceived. There are a lot of complications, because Rasazy and Selever are living their childhoods as these images, these imaginary beings. I have not hold on them to be able to protect them."

"I can't protect them."

I placed a hand on Gabriel's shoulder and reached over to kiss his cheek. "Then we find a way to keep them here, until their parents have gotten together."

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now