Thistles and Acacias

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I stood there silent as I stared at him.

Thousands of thoughts ran through my head but suddenly Gabriel placed his hand on my shoulder and it seemed as if all my worries melted away. I turned to look up at him and he pressed a kiss to my head. Gabriel then turned to Selever and raised a hand to him.

"Hello nephew, it is the greatest pleasure to be able to meet you." He said his hand moved to mine and his comforting grip made me feel more confident as I looked at my ex. Selever looked in between us then to our hands and I swore a flash of green shined in his eyes as he looked at us. But he was smiling as he walked towards me. He opened his mouth to speak but then he turned to Gabriel.

"Yes it is archangel Gabriel, the pleasure is all mine." He shook Gabriel's hand and shot him a look something Gabriel shot back confusingly. "It's (Y/n)'s birthday." I heard I turned my head to the deep Russian voice and Ruv was there walking down the stairs Matvei on his arm. I reached out to the bird and he flew to me sitting on my shoulder. Gabriel smiled at the bird reaching for the animal and ruffling up his feathers.

"Is this the precious little bird you told me about?" Gabriel scratched Matvei's chin and he leaned into the touch.

"Don't you still have the hounds Gabriel?" Sarvente asked pulling Ruv with her to sit on the couch. Gabriel's eyes sparkled. "Hounds?" I asked Gabriel took Matvei from my shoulder examining the bird. "I didn't know you liked to hunt." Sarvente laughed. "(Y/n), Gabriel's hounds aren't dogs. They are a giant flock of birds, mostly types of duck and ibis. Maybe even some geese." She pointed out, Gabriel watched her warily as she sat down but his eyes trailed back to me and tugged on my hand.

"They are my flock." He laughed before leading me over to the patio in my backyard pointing to an ibis poking at the ground, the bird looked up at Gabriel and turned his head flying over to the door. "They were a gift from Ariel right? Since you protected them?" Selever mouthed something and walked over kicking the glass making the ibis shriek followed by it's flock as it flew over head screeching loudly in my ear. Gabriel turned to Selever and let out a breath of annoyance.

"Actually no, the flocks started following me not long after my ascension to my holy throne." He said. Sarvente stood up and walked over to me whispering in my ear. "Did you know Gabriel used to wield a whip?" I took one look at Gabriel and then to Sarvente. "You're lying right?" She laughed. "Nope."

Selever smirked and opened his mouth. "What? Did he whip sinners into shape?" Gabriel turned to him with a confused glance. "In fact, yes, as a request from the archangel of healing I hunted the rest of Sarvente's fleeting army." His face was serious and Sarvente breathed out a sigh. "But that is behind us now." Selever laughed. "Did you kill them?" Gabriel turned his back to him and Selever laughed. "Selever that's insensitive." Rasazy said. "It really isn't-" Selever interrupted Gabriel. "No it really isn't Rasazy because it shows that the angels have more blood on their hands than we do.

I looked over to Gabirel his eyes darkened and he reached for his necklace. "I was trained to do that." Selever huffed. "Well the person who trained you must have been a reckless idiot."

"Michael is no idiot nephew."

"And you are? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt Uncle, you were taught when my mother got cast out that she was the evilest thing on Earth right?" Gabriel breathed in a sigh. "Selever stop, you can't just say something like that." I said Sarvente's eyes turned pink for a second as if warning Selever to keep his mouth shut.

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now