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The sound of echoing feet followed by Sarvantes panicked screams; Ruv's hard pounds against the church doors screaming to be let in. My hands were wet and warm and my body ached. I wasn't able to move my torso or stare at anything else but the glowering light of the appearing portal in front of me. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"You've finally returned." I breathed out staring at the tall man who walked through. I tried moving my body again. The church around me collapsed and broken, crushed around me in a shattered halo, a representation of my final destination. I chuckled and lifted my head up. What a simply ironic end.

"When... was the last time I saw you?" I laughed out reaching up towards my head tugging on the loose white coif pulling down my veil. "I thought you'd never come back... I longed for this day... But I also feared you'd return." I winced in pain but his presence lingered in my vision. "I wish we could go back to how things were. The unholy nicknames, the teasing's..." I smiled and clutched my stomach. "I longed for you so much." I winced, closing my eyes paying attention to the beats of my heart and sounds of his feet walking towards me.

"I wish I wasn't part of the church." I whimpered out letting out the last of my tears fall to the ground. "Then I could have been free to follow you." I moved my wet fingers and a large shadow above me prevented the dim lights that shined through the painted glass to get to me. "I left you alone... In that white void. Rasazy... I don't remember when I last gave her a book to read." I reached my wet hand up to the figure.

He didn't say anything and I smiled. "No more words for me, fallen angel?" I laughed letting my hand fall "I'll take that as a no." I sighed and leaned my head back feeling a hand on my shoulder moving around to wrap me in something warm. "Well then. I'm happy to have at least met you."



I woke to an abrupt start. My hand went to my torso checking for the warm red goo-like substance that dripped from it. Or at the very least a fresh scar. As I felt around my skin there was nothing there but the pain in my chest still lingered.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to my vanity. A small brush sat on the table in front of me as if begging me to brush away this wild hair of mine. I ran the brush through my (Hair color) hair, a small torn up bible sat beside my bed next to a crimson rosary and old water from the night before. That bible, it had gotten way to much use in my life, but I wasn't complaining. Getting a new one didn't feel right. I liked it just the way it was. Even if some of the pages were torn or the pages were yellow from the sunlight and wear and tear throughout the years. There was even a small coffee stain when I dropped some of my latte on it while studying one night.

With a gentle heave, I lifted myself up off of the chair and gently turned the mirror the other way, the silvery side facing the wall as I got dressed. I picked up the bible and rosary gently pulling it over my head and stuffing the bible into my hoodie pocket. I was headed down to the church. Maybe they had a job that would suit me there. I laughed to myself. Who knows.

It wouldn't be to hard to ask. The owner of the church was nice. She had a gentle voice. Though I never spoke to her personally. I pulled out my phone from its charging port and stuffed it into my pocket gingerly walking downstairs of the now empty house. It was almost surreal to be by myself in this hell hole. Cleaning up for my own clumsy mother. There was either something breaking or someone screaming. And yet today; it was weirdly peaceful.

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now