Translucent Tears

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The police and the paramedics arrived not long after the call was made. I held my mom trying to make sure she was breathing and her heart rate wasn't slowing down anymore. Anymore would break my heart.

I saw the paramedics walk in and gently get her on a stretcher. I was relieved but still not in the clear.

"Are you (Mothers name) (L/n)'s child?" The police man said. And I nodded, wiping away tears and biting my lip. "Will she be okay officer?" I ask with a shaky breath; I stared at mama. There were doctors surrounding her and it started to give me anxiety. My hands fidgeted and the police placed a hand on my shoulder.

I almost wanted to tell him to take his filthy hand off me but I was just to upset. And even if I asked, I would still miss the small gesture of comfort and I needed all I could get right now.

"Can I talk about a few things with you? Ask some questions? Maybe answering a few can help us clear stuff up as to what happened." He took out his pen and notebook and I sat down on the ground holding my legs to my chest. "Sure. I guess." My voice broke as I wiped my tears. I gave him permission.

"Was your mother taking any illegal substances? Heroine, cocaine, marijuana, etc.?" He asked. "She did smoke a bit of marijuana. So yes sir, turns out mama was taking illegal substances." The man wrote it down. "Marijuana. You know some people have negative reactions to drugs like that." I nodded my voice broke "I told her to stop. For me. But she wouldn't listen." I started to cry again; in the background I overheard a conversation about poetic justice and I couldn't help but blame myself.

This was heavens punishment for committing misdeeds.

The police man closed his notebook. "Say your mom needs to go into care at the hospital facility. Do you have any adult that would be able to watch you until then?" I was offended at his question. I could take care of myself perfectly well. "Sir with all due respect I can take care of myself perfectly fine." I told him. He held his hands up. "Look kid." He said. "I know a kid like you can take care of yourself but this is the state were talking about."

He rubbed his eyes "I'll tell you one of two things that will happen. One. Your mother lives and you have to be supervised before she's allowed to come back from the hospital. Or two. She dies and we take you to one of the orphanages contact your father so he can come and take you." I growled and glared at the man. "Where do I have a say in this!" I asked.

"Technically when the judge reviews this case of an underage teenager with their overdosed parent in the hospital." I bit my lip and huffed I didn't want this right now.

"Look its the law kid. I don't have a say in what goes on in this cities bureaucracy. If I did then I wouldnt be here late at night asking questions to a teenager." My attention turned to a doctor running up to us. Her face was sweaty but still had the air of professionalism on her, she looked at the both of us. "Okay you two." The woman said. I stood up but the doctor stopped me in my tracks.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked her and she sighed. "Are you?" She asked and I nodded. "I am (Y/n) (L/n) her child." I said pointing to the woman on the stretcher. The doctor took my hand in hers and looked at me with a sorry look.

"Sweetie. You wont be riding in the ambulance with us tonight." She said. My heart picked up its pace. "Is mama alright?" I asked and the doctor shooed the police officer away in order to talk to me privately.

~𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷~ ••𝓢𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻••Where stories live. Discover now