but last night was amazing

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Victor sighted, did they have to come check up on him? Does the FBI really have so little faith in him? It was when he wanted to start doubting himself again when his door opened again and he knew who it was, only two people he knew would come in without knocking. And just then the boy's brown hair showed from behind the opened door.

"Who was that?" he questioned, gesturing towards the car that was just leaving from the driveway.

"Oh, just FBI, wanted to check up on me because I cancelled a case I asked them to help me with, because I solved it before they decided to help me with it" Victor sighted.

"Maybe they just had too much work" the boy shrugged.

"By the way, I heard you were invited to Carie's Halloween party" Victor smiled.

"Yeah, I was. I don't rememer if I ever were at one, so I'm excited." the brunette smiled.

"You should, her parties are the best, is what I heard" Victor smiled widely.

"I am, I literally can't wait" the boy said smiling.

"Vic, we have another case, it looks like suicide" another officer walked in, handing Victor a file.

"Thank you, we're going there, you coming?" the sheriff said, getting up and looking over at the boy.

"Of course" he replied, following behind.


Nothing seemed like it wasn't a suicide, except for the victim's mental health, nothing hinted that Timmothy Baners would want to die, but there was nothing they could do, it was still too little evidence for something different than suicide.

"I still don't believe it was a suicide" shriff's consultant said.

"But there's not much we can do, is there?" the sheriff questioned.

"No, not really" the boy admitted, following the sheriff out.


For couple more days the Clifford police, including their new consultant, worked as they normally would, and then end of october finally came and the boy was walking towards the adress Victor gave him, that was supposed to be Carie's house. And it was.

"Hi" he greeted awkwardly everyone in the room.

"Hey man, I heard about you in the news, so you don't remember anything? That must be so cool, you can start over, literally" one of Carie's friends said, walking towards the boy.

"Let's play a game called 'who can guess more about his life'" another girl said.

And so everyone sat in a circle, looking at the boy closely.

"You give off such gay vibes, or maybe not fully gay, but deffinetly not straight" the girl who suggested the game, Monica, stated.

"I would say pan" Carie said, watching the boy closely.

"And I would say his name starts with S, Steven maybe" the boy who had talked to him firts, Damian, said.

"I would question the Steven, but deffinetly starts with S" another girl, Polly, agreed.

"I would say something gender neutral" Carie said, still watching the boy closely.

"I think he might work at a coffee shop, he looks like he could" Monica said.

"Hmm, book shop suits him better, pops said he reads so fast" Carie protested.

And the evening went on, in the end they ended up with Einstain's and Superman's secret love child and moved onto the topic of anime, before eventually watching horror movies.


In the morning Carie woke up, finding the boy in her kitchen making coffee.

"Mornin" she said with a bright smile.

"Oh, h-hey, how did you enjoy the night?" he questioned.

"You're cute" she stated before adding "I did enjoy it very much, but I always do, how 'bout you?"

"I loved it, I don't know if I ever had this much fun before, but last night was amazing" he said with a bright smile.

"Glad to hear that, then you might as well enjoy my christmas party in december" Carie smiled.

"I might, can't wait for it" the boy said, smile across his lips.

"Alrighty then." Carie said with a smile as well.

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