please, you live with profilers

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A/N: so srry for not posting again, im on holiday for a week and i spend most my time recharging, aka sleeping

also idk how much time ill have once back in school, but ill try to post at least once a week, hopefully i can manage


Clifford, North Dakota

Carie was ending her shift, putting on her jacket in the back room when one of her coworkers turned up.

"Carousel, some guy is there looking for you." Jake said.

"You can say it's my dad, that's fine." Carie sighted.

"It's not sheriff Vic, tho." the freckled ginger said, going back to the front.

"Then who.." Carie wondered, going to the front as well, seeing the brown hair she thoughts she wouldn't see for a while now.

"Spencer?" she called out and the boy turned to her, "What are you doing here?" she questioned, going towards him from behind the couter.

"Sorry, I didn't know where else to go." the brunette admitted.

"It's okay, let's get out of here, the rat over there is listening." Carie said, gesturing to Jake, who let out offended gasp.

They walked in silence, before sitting down on a park bench and Spencer started explaining.

"So, we had this case and I walked into a basement to check it, because that's what I do and I was like 'wait, I've been here before' and then the memories got back, all at once-"

"That's awesome." Carie let out a squeal.

"Well, it would be, but.." and Spencer told her all about Morgan and the TV crew and all that.

"Wow, this Morgan must be an arsehole." Carie said after hearing the story.

"That's the thing, he's really nice and all, I myself don't understand why he did that." Reid admitted.

"Then, maybe you should have asked him instead of running away." Carie suggested.

"But the TV guy, he's really getting under my skin." Reid shook.

"What did you say was his name again?" Carie questioned.

"Gabriel Dawn." Spencer replied.

"I think I heard that before, hmm.. anyway, you should call this Morgan guy." Carie said, patting Spencer's shoulder.

"I left my phone in Quantico, so they can't find me." Spencer admitted.

"Oh, you can borrow mine." Carie offered.

"No, I don't think I will." Spencer let out.

"Oh, okay. Understandable." Carie smiled.

"So, you really liked him, huh?" Carie broke the silence.

"Yeah, acctually after six months it can be called love." Spencer stated some statistics.

"And It's been?" Carie asked.

"Over six years." Spencer admited.

"Oh boy. My poor thing." Carie hugged him.

Around that time a black SUV stopped across the street, two special agents watching Spencer and Carie hug.

"At least he's fine." Emily shrugged, noticing Morgan's face.

"Come on, stop being jealous and go talk to him." Emily said, pushing Morgan's arm slightly.

"You know?" Morgan turned to her.

"That you like him? Please, you live with profilers, Reid's the only one who doesn't know because he has so dang low self esteem and thinks no one will ever like him like that, except this girl, maybe." Emily teased.

"Yeah, sure." Morgan says, ready to drive away again.

"No, no, no. You go talk to him, now." Emily said, stepping on the breaks.

"And what am I supposed to tell him?" Morgan asked.

"What you feel, the truth." Emily gave him encouraging smile.

And so, Derek walked over to Spencer and Carie who were now taling about Pumpkin.

"Hey." Derek said, the two turning to him.

"What do you want?" Spencer asked sharply.

"Morgan, am I right?" Carie asked.

"So, you heard?" Derek asked.

"Mhm, you two need to sort thing out." Carie stated.

"Look, I'm sorry I lied to you, I didn't mean to and I reggreted it the moment I said it, but I couldn't manage to tell you the truth because I-" Derek let out, being interupted by Carie's squeal.

"Sorry, my bad." Carie apologized. "You know what? I'll be over there talking to you hot collegue. Is she single? Is she into girls?" Carie asked with interest.

"As far as I know, yes to both." Derek said in confusion and Carie walked over to Emily.

"What just happened?" Derek turned towards the two girls who were watching them, turning to each other when noticing Morgan's looking at them.

"Well?" Reid asked impatiently.

"Right, sorry about making you think I was playing with your feelings, I didn't mean to and I wasn't playing with you, I just really like you, a lot. I don't know why I'm saying this, I just do. I'm sorry." Derek let out.

"So, you mean it? No playing or joking around?" Spencer asked.

"I would have never lied to you, I promise." Derek said and Spencer just hugged him close.

"I like you too, you idiot." Spencer says as Derek hugs him closely.

"I was about to flirt with you, but I can't stop watching these two dummies." Carie says.

"Same." Emily said and the two fist bumped.

Couple minutes later the three agents entered the FBI building, Garcia and JJ running towards them, hugging Spencer.

After Reid apologized to Hotch with the excuse of regaining memory and getting scared, the team got back to the case, with the TV crew still behind their arses.


A/N: sorry, shorter one today, but we're getting somewhere now, anyways jemily or Emily/Carie? im curious about your opinions

for now baii

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