what was that just now?

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For the next couple days Carie would come over, bringing Victor and the mysterious boy coffee on her way to work, and some donuts or bagels on her way back, she would stay over, talking to the boy about cases he had worked on at that moment and he would tell her random related facts.

"You're literally a walking wikipedia" she stated once.

"I might be, maybe I'm just some screwed experiment, like genetically remade DNA, and somehow it went down and they got rid of me, that would explain a lot actually, but so far it's all just theory" he replied, explaining it excitedly.

"You believe in this kind of things?" Carie asked.

"I don't know, but if it were to be true, a lot would be explained by that actually" the boy went on rambling about different cases that involved someone playing with other people's DNA and stuff like that while Carie listened carefully, asking small questions every now and then.

"You two are still here? Together alone again? Why isn't that surprising me?" Victor said, entering the room, making the two of them look down in embarrasment.

"He's just so interesting and fun to talk to" Carie explained, looking up at the sheriff.

"Alright, you two, well if you're both here I was wondering if you'd like to make me company on a diner tonight, but I'm kinda scared of third wheeling now" the sheriff let out with a laugh.

"Dinner sounds great, actually and don't worry about third wheeling, we mostly talk about stuff you might enjoy talking about as well" the boy said excitedly, smiling as Victor shook his head looking down.

"This kid is too pure for this world" the sheriff let out, the boy stopping for a moment, zoning out.

"Hey, you good?" Carie asked, waving her hand in front of the boy's face, he shook his head, looking at her with a "Hm?"

"What was that just now?" the sheriff asked with worry.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. I just, I feel like someone had called me 'kid' before, it was like I remembered, but not really. I mean it's all still in my brain somewhere, I just need to recall it somehow" the boy rambled as the other two exchanged worried looks.

"Okay, whatever, let's just go. Maybe you'll remember eventually" Victor said, walking off with the other two following.


The diner was fun and what the boy said was true, the three of them had a couple nice conversations about crimes and stuff. Eventually the three of them left home, Victor as the only one with a car drove Carie, dropping her at her house and then driving towards his own house where he lived with the boy.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" the sheriff asked as they pulled from Carie's house driveway.

"She really is fun to talk to, I feel like I can be myself around her, if I can call it that way" the boy let out with a smile.

"Yeah, I knew she was going to be something big one day, I still do, even with what had happened to her, losing her parents at such young age" the sheriff said, the boy nodding.

The two arrived at the sheriff's house, getting a shower, each separetly in the two bathrooms the house had, the boy never bothered asking what for if the sheriff was the only one living here.


A/N: okay, i know this is boring, but i need some filler chapters since i basically skipped through the first part of the fanfic just to get to this part, bcs yes the first case was supposed to take way longer, however i was too impatient for that, so now i have to write this part more as a filler to make the fanfic the lenght i need (more like want)

next chapter will have more BAU in it, basically it will be all written from the BAU pov, so we'll get some rest from these ppl that i mostly made up

anyways, enjoy your day/night/evening/afternoon/morning/ whatever day time you're reading this

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