oh, he currently doesn't work anywhere

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The two victims found in the unsub's 'little game' were never identified officialy, however Sarah's parents are more than sure it was their daughter.

"Why would he make it impossible to identify the two? He hasn't done that before, is there other reason than that he wants to make us think it's them" Derek yelled, yet again with this argument.

"Because he wants to leave us questioning, the fact that we can not be sure wheter it's them or not gives him entertaiment, we can't tell if it is who we supposed at first or not, that was his reason, the power he gathers" Hotch explained, Morgan sinking back into his chair.

"Another girl was reported missing" the sheriff said from the opened door.

"Well, there's no other way to find out than to find him" Rossi said, getting up.

It was clear Rossi was the one most mad about it, he tried to not show it. Unike Morgan, who was rather blaming himself, showing more effort than needed into convincing others and mainly himself that the body they found wasn't his Reid. Hotch was just dissapointed that no one found out, even when everyone knew something was up, no one was able to tell what.

Garcia was trying to believe Derek, it wasn't her genius boy, no it couldn't be. JJ was still feeling guilty even if she knew she couldn't do anythig at this point, still what happened with Tobias Hankl haunted her. Emily tried to seem that she doesn't care, but it was eating her alive as well.

How were they going to catch the unsub? No idea, it seemed that he was too smart, nearly smarter than the FBI, it annoyed Emily and bothered Hotch.

"What if he used to work with the police?" JJ asked, clearly knowing what Hotch was thinking about.

"But then, wouldn't we know?" Morgan protested, he thought that they would notice.

"Of course, why didn't I think of that" Hotch cursed, leaving the room as if he just send himself into his room.

"He okay?" Prentiss asked, looking behind Hotch in confusion, so did everyone else.

"I used to work with this one guy, sheriff back then, when Gideon and Elle were still a part of the team. He was married, tall brunette with brown eyes, I got this guy fired for insulting Reid behind his back, saying that he's too young and not qualified enough, Gideon said it wasn't a good idea, however I did and now this happened" Hotch let out quickly as he came back into the room moments later, dialing a number on a phone.

"Y-yeah?" Penelope's voice was heard, she was trying to hide the fact that she had been crying.

"Carl Don, his adress and current job, thank you in advance" Hotch said simply and keyboard was heard.

"He's dead now, for two years now, actually" Garcia said, turning everyone quiet. They had a clue, a name and now? Nothing.

"Any kids, Garcia?" Hotch asked, refusing to give up now that they caught a clue, possibly.

"Son and two daughters, twins. The girls are fourteen, living with their mother since divorce four years ago, son, Jeffrey, is twenty-six" the team gasped, might be him, almost surely "lived with his father, until two years ago he was taken to hospital where he later died of cancer" Garcia finished.

"The adress, Garci" Hotch said, barely breathing, they are so close, there's no way this is not the unsub.

"Sending righ away, home and... oh, he currently doesn't work anywhere, so just home." Garcia said.

Everyone got into cars, ready to arrest the man, hoping they will find Reid alive and won't have to admit the found body was actually Reid.

They got in, Jeffrey nowhere to be found, but clues about turture and killing going on in the house, they were there, a lot of them. In basement, Emily and David found another victim, 24 year old Jenny White, according to her, she was the only one there since the man left with another girl that introduced herself as Monica.

Jenny was taken to hospital and the BAU waited for Jeffrey in his house, soon he arrived, unaware of the FBI agents in his house.


A/N: okay, this ain't the best, and it's all made up, btw. i just wanted to give another part to not leave it on such a cliffhanger, but i guess this ain't helping much, heh.. well, might as well start on another chapter, but probably not finishing it tonight, sorry about this

well, hope you enjoyed anyways, baiii for now

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