you like hide and seek?

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Wierdly suspicious, the entire police team, including five FBI agents and they found absolutelly nothing.

"You think it was some kind of a joke?" Morgan asked as they drove back.

"If it was, it was a really stupid one" Prentiss let out, sitting back in her seat.

They got back to the station, not even having to walk in to know something was off, walking inside, finding all the officers that stayed lying on the floor.

"Ambulace, immidietly" Hotch turned to the sheriff, who did as he was told.

"Reid!" Derek nearly yelled as he ran towards the stairs, running to the second floor, where one of the rooms was given to the BAU, the room was a complete mess, all they had so far destroyed. And as for the doctor, he was nowhere to find, as loud as Morgan yelled out his name.

"Okay so, we're back at the start and we have to find him in the next fourteen hours if he's about to stick to his original MO" Emily stated.

"If we want to have a chance to find Reid alive" Rossi added, voicing everyone's thought.

Hotch pulled out his phone, dialing Penelope "Welcome to my magic cave where magic hap-" she was cut off.

"We don't have time for this, he has Reid" Hotch said, not letting the girl even breathe.

"W-what? What... what do you, what do you want me to do?" she asked, fighting tears. She has to be strong now if she wants to be a help to the young genious.

"Police station, camera footage, the cameras might have filmed the unsub" Hotch said, and Garcia did as told faster than she ever did, if she is too slow, it might be too late.

"Why would he call us out and not just walked in in the middle of the night? It doesn't make any sense" JJ asked a question everyone was bothered by, at night Reid was here alone, but now, officers were here as well, so why. Hotch had an answer, more like a theory.

"He's trying to prove something" Aaron stated, everyone looking at him in confusion.

"But what?" JJ asked at the same time Emily asked "To who?"

"That's the thing we have to find out if we want to catch him" Hotch said, everyone nodding.

"So, as I see it here, blak on white" Garcia started "We have here Reid in the office you are standing at right now, playing with files and papers, then cut and suddenly it's all messy in there and three seconds later Derek walks in, the power in the entire building must have been taken out manualy."

"Which means he was somewhere here when we came in, dammit" Morgan said, kicking the already fallen table, everyone else just sighting in dissapointment and sadness.

The next couple hours were the team remaking the profile and finishing it before it's too late.

"What if it was about Reid all along?" Prentiss asked out of nowhere.

"He couldn't know we'll come here, nor that we'll bring him with us, so it's not very likely" Hotch answered, going back to his files.


And just like that, only having six last hours of supposed time left, the team was ready to give the profile: white male, good body build, strong, 20 to 40 years, inteligent, can manipulate electric power, has some knowledge on chemistry, doesn't have to be academic, and is very narcistic, he's convinced that he's better than everyone, someone who is similiar to the victims probably hurt him in the past.

Five and a half hour, another possible victim, Sarah Carrey, gets reported missing. Which is usually a sigh that the previous victim is dead. The team refuses to addmit the fact unless a body is found.

Five hours, Morgan calls Garcia for any new information. "So, you got something?" he asks anxiously. "Unfortunately there's no one who would fit your profile" she sighted, blinking fast to keep tears from falling. "Okay, call me when you get something" Morgan says, ready to hang up. "Wait" Penelope says, almost yells. "Yes, baby girl?" he ask. "Derek, can you promise me that you'll bring him back? Alright and well" she asked, unable to keep her tears from falling any longer. "I'll do my best-" "No, Derek Morgan, promise me that you'll bring him back to me" she said confidently. "I promise" Derek said, barely able to keep himself from crying as well.

Four and a half hour, the police gets a phone call that starts with to the team familiar voice screaming Aaron Hotchner's name, that makes the team relax for a moment, at least he's still alive. Then door closing is heard before a cold voice speaks "He's still alive, for now" and the call ends, Garcia not being able to locate the phone as it is one of the oldest models that is nearly impossible to track.

Four hours, everyone starts panicking, every abandoned or empty building is being ivestigated in hope to find doctor Reid in time.

Three and a half hour, JJ nearly faints from the stress that is being put up on all of them, knowing that this time it wasn't her fault, but someone should have known, someone should have suspected something. Emily takes her to hospital even with JJ's never ending protests.

Three hours, Derek Morgan nearly beats up one of the police officers after making a remark "So what, this guy killed lots of people before, one or two more will just add him jail time, why do we care again?" Hotch insist that this guy is being fired immidietly.

Two and a half hour, Derek and Emily nearly blow up as they realize there's not much time left, Rossi insists on trying to call the number again, Hotch starts giving up hope. JJ was left from the hospital and keeps on helping wherever she's needed, still feeling guilty about Hankl.

Two hours, the number finally calls again, this time revealing a woman's screaming, possibly Sarah. Rossi proceeds to call the unsub 'a bitch' while yelling at him in Italian other not nice words.

One and a half hour, panic gets real, Garcia calls again to check up on updates, nearly gets a panic attack when realizing how little time is left, Morgan reasures her with "You know what I promised" now it's him who's the most anxious.

One hour, Emily Prentiss proceeds to be mean to everyone and nearly hits Hotch as he tells her to calm down and stop being mean. Rossi proceeds to send the number that has called twice already lots of angry messages.

Half hour, mysterious number answers Rossi's messages with 'It wouldn't be fun if I killed him right off' and devilish emoji, Garcia finally locates the number.

Ten minutes, the team arrives at the location the phone was located at, it lays on the ground with message open saying 'you like hide and seek?' and a smirky emoji.

Five minutes, the team and local police proceed to look around for any clues.

Two minutes, one of the officers finds suspiciously looking bag, hidden deep in forest. The bag containg two dead bodies, one woman's and one man's, identification for both of them is impossible, however the woman is wearing clothes Sarah was wearing when she got missing, the man is wearing clothes Reid was wearing when he was kiddnaped.

"That proves nothing!" Derek yelled when Rossi stated the fact.

"Morgan" Hotch starts, but Moran refuses to listen to him and stomps off.


A/N: leaving on a cliffhanger, im evil i know, but dont worry, it will get better, i promise. also do you guys remember Kevin's boyfriend? there is no reason for mentioning him or is there?

anyways, getting to work on next chapter now, bye

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