the addition - room 210, pt.1

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A/N: just a silly little story of who my roommates think i am and why did i move in with them during march, lol

its all just a joke going on between us btw

and it has nothing to do with the previous story, so you dont have to read this, if youre just here for the criminal minds, but im mostly writing this bcs my roommate wants to read this, so she can have a laugh


"And now, we will need to put you undercover to this dorm building, there is meant to be a sect meeting sometime in the next week." the FBI boss says to their youngest agent.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." the agent replies. It is the second of March, something after three pm.

"Your secret identity will be Sa**** ******, fashion course student on the school nearby." the boss says.

"Alright, when am I leaving?" the agent asks.

"The sooner, the better." the boss replies.

"Understood." the agent replies.

"And one more thing, do not mention you're undercover, unless you truly trust that person." the boss adds.

"Naturally, sir." the agent replies.

It is something after six pm and the caretakers got informed about the situation.

"We have exactly the perfect room with a view out that you would need. Let me just call the ladies that live there." the main caretaker said, calling out two names to go downstairs.

"Do we have a problem?" the girls ask.

"I don't know, do you?" the caretaker asks them.

"I don't think so, do we?" one of them asks.

"No, just this young lady is being unhappy in her room, so if you could take her under your wing?" the caretaker asks.

"Of course." the girls reply.

Until seven pm passes all the stuff are moved, the girls not suspecting a thing.

A week and a day later, dinner meat tastes awefull, the undercover agent brings up a case they've solved, but makes it seem like it's just a TV show episode. Somehow the talk ends up at the secret recipe for ikea meatballs.

Later that evening a sect actually shows up, the agent points it out and all three watch the people there, the agent takes a lot of pictures, joking it's in case something happens, so they can show the police.

Another undercover agent, Agent cat, who is a regular cat but with FBI training. The three notice him, the two girls connect the dots, figuring out Agent cat's identity, thinking it's just a joke.

There is no more talk about the incident, only the jokes about the people there selling ikea meatballs.

A few weeks later Agent cat goes missing, later on It's figured out, he's been cooked and served in cafeteria. That day the undercover agent tells one of the 'ladies that lives with them' (A/N: also inside joke in our room) about the undercover job and names the girl their secretary.


A/N: okay, there will be like one probably just one, if anything doesnt happens just one more chapter about this whatever we on in our room, aka room 210

so yeah, just one silly story about room 210, lol

for now bye

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