neither i can make this mess make sense

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"So aparently it wasn't a suicide after all, the FBI is going to invesigate the death of Timmothy Baners, you'll have to give up your progress kid" Victor said, walking inside the station's room which his consultant made up into the case of Timmothy Baners shrine, trying to prove that something else happened to the boy, going on his own investigation.

"I knew it, can I talk to them about my progress, I'm not sure they will understand my notes" the boy said, looking at the board.

"Yeah, I don't think they will, because neither I can make this mess make sense to me" Victor laughed.

"I know, I don't know where I learned to do this" the boy gestured at the board "but I can make it make sense to me."

"Okay" Victor laughed "the FBI agent is gonna be here for the files soon, I'll prepare him to talk to you, he might get scared when you start rambling about statistics again."

"Yeah, he might think I'm some kind of a psycho and arrest me or something" the boy joked.

"And we wouldn't want that, right?" Victor joked right back.

"Yep, I love my life way too much to throw it away just because I scare some FBI agent" the boy laughed.

"Yep, alright, I need to get ready for him to come, you keep on" Victor said, pausing for a while "doing your thing."

"Alrighty, I'll be here then" the brunette said, turning back to the board, mummbling to himself again.


Soon, Aaron Hotchner arrived at the station, shaking his hand with the sheriff.

"Aaron Hotchner, behaviour analysis unit, Quantico. My team member phoned you" he introduced himself.

"Victor Sheen, sheriff, Clifford. My consultant wants to speak to you about Timmothy, no one here thought it was a suicide, but we found no evidence, so nothing could be done, however my consultant went on for his own little investigation, some of the things he found could be useful to you, or not, I don't know" the sheriff explained the situation.

"You relate to him as 'your consultant', why? Why won't you use his name?" Hotch asked, finding something suspicious in the sheriff's behaviour, as a profiler.

"Well, it's complicated" Victor said, rubbing the back of his head "let's just go" he said, leading Hotch towards the room.

Victor knocked "Hey kid, can I come in?" he said. Hotch immidietly knowing something was about to go down, he still didn't know what yet. But he was about to find out very soon.

The sheriff opened the door, leading Hotch inside, but the minute Hotch saw the so called 'consultant' he froze on a spot as the boy bagan to speak.

"So, I worked on this case since Timmothy died, I talked to his mother about his problems, but she said he didn't have any and-" he stopped as he noticed the agent's face "Are you okay?" he questioned.

"Reid?" Hotch said very quietly, Victor looked at Hotch in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" the boy asked, tilting his head.

"Reid, is that... is that you?" Hotch asked, the boy tilting his head even more.

"I'm sorry, you know this boy?" the sheriff asked.

Hotch looked over at the sheriff in confusion, and so Victor decided it's time to begin explaining.

"We found him a couple moths ago, local doctor diagnosed him with amnesia-" "Partly amnesia, only the memory part of my brain was damaged, which means I can't remember who I am or where I am from" the boy cut off the sheriff and Hotch just looked at the boy, close to crying.

"So, you know him, then?" Victor questioned again.

"Yes, he's one of my agents" Hotch explained.

"But, that's impossible, I looked into the FBI databaze when he first stated this really smart fact, but it showed nothing" Victor protested.

"That's because it only shows living agents" Hotch explained.

"What is that supposed to mean?" the boy questioned. And thus began the explaining.

"So, I'll take it from the start, your name is doctor Spencer Reid" Hotch began explaining, ending with " we left you in the station, thinking it will be safe but Don broke there and since then we haven't seen you, when capturing him, he said he had killed you and we even had a body that couldn't be identified, so we figured he did kill you."

"That's intense, wow" was all the boy could say.

"So, I can take care of him from now on" Hotch turned to the sheriff.

"I guess, take the files and our best officer" Victor said.

"But, I'm not sure I want to leave" Spencer mummbled.

"It's for the best, kid" Victor said, placing a hand on Spencer's shoulder.

"Alright, can I call Carie before we go?" Spencer turned to Hotch, he just nodded and the doctor ran off.

"I'm sorry I didn't let you know earlier, I can imagine what you and your team must have gone through" Victor said to Hotchner.

"You didn't know, but thank you for taking care of him" Aaron smiled.

Meanwhile Reid picked up one of the phones, dialing the number Carie gave him in case he wanted to talk. The phone rang a couple times before the joyful voice was heard.

"Hello?" Carie asked happily.

"Hey, it's me, the consultant from your pops' work" he introduced himself by the name she knew him as.

"Oh, what a surprise, couldn't wait to talk to me today?" she asked playfully.

"Well, actually, I've got great news that can't wait" Spencer announced excitedly.

"Really? What is it?" Carie asked just as excited.

"There is someone who knows me, I found out who I am" he said, still just as excited.

"Really? So, how close we were with guessing?" she asked playfully.

"So, my name's Spencer Reid, I have several doctor phylosophy degrees and work for the FBI" he said, still excitedly, however Carie's voice changed.

"That's great" she said, not sounding as if she was too happy about it.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asked, worried he had done something wrong.

"It's nothing, I'm happy for you, but... that means now you'll leave to Quantico, won't you?" she explained sadly.

"Oh, right. But I'll come visit whenever I will have time" Spencer said.

"Yeah, right. But you'll miss my Xmas party" Carie sighted.

"I'll try to make it" he assured her.

"When are you leaving?" Carie asked, her voice sounding as if she was about to cry.

"Couple minutes, hours maybe" he said, hearing Carie's voice hitch.

"O-okay" her voice slightly broke as she spoke.

"It's not 'goodbye' this is a 'see you later'" Spencer smiled.

"Yeah, go find out who you are" Carie said with a smile behind tears.

"I will" he smiled, and the two hung up. Spencer turned around to see Hotch and Victor moving the boxes of files and other things he gathered for the case.

"Need any help?" he questioned.

"Yeah, grab the boxes and get them to car" Victor ordered, and so Spencer did.


A/N: i wanted to continue the chapter, however it's too long now, well at least it makes up for the previous short chapter

anyways, here comes a bit of fluff with reuniting, but then comes the angst (still far away at this point)

yep, thats it, baiiii

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