oh, i didn't know we were having guests

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Morgan and Rossi stood by the door behind which Garcia identified the IP of the mysterious person who connected all the victims. Rossi knocked on the door three times, for a while it was silent before an older woman opened the door.

"You have a wish?" she asked suspiciously, the two men showed her FBI badges.

"FBI agent Rossi and special agent Morgan, our IT technic located IP adress of a computer in your flat and we thing that whoever was using that computer is a very important vitness to our case" Rossi explained to the woman.

"In our house? We only have one computer and the whole family uses it" the woman explained surprisedly.

"Honey, who is it?" a man around the woman's age appeared, looking at the two men.

"They're from the FBI, apparently someone using our computer is a vitness in their case" the woman said.

"Can I see badges?" the man asked, both Morgan and Rossi pulled their badges out and the man looked at them very closely for a long while before standing back straight and clearing his throat.

"Alright, come in, be our guests. Want anything to drink?" the man asked, inviting the two in.

"What was that just now?" the woman whispered to her husband.

"I read an article in which a guy murdered his victims by pretending to be a FBI agent, gotta be careful who our kids give their adress online" the man whispered back.

The four seated themselves in the living room.

"So, let's start simple, your name sir?" Rossi asked as the woman left to the kitchen.

"Jared Hukes" the man replied.

"Alright, Mr. Hukes, who in your household uses the computer?" Morgan asked.

"Well, me my wife and our kids, we have a teenage daughter and pre-teen son, they both want their own but there's just not enough money, so we all have to share" Jared explained.

"So, who spends most of the time on the computer?" Rossi kept on questioning.

"Our kids, they'll be here any minute now, Alison's classes ended ten minutes ago and she has to pick up Tom from a friend, yeah about five minutes they'll be here so you can ask them" Jared said.

"How old are your kids?" Morgan asked.

"Ali is fourteen and Tom will be nine in less than month" Jared answered.

"The age doesn't fit" Morgan whispered to his collegue, Rossi nodded.

Before any of them could ask another question the front door open to the sound of two kids arguing.

"Okay, but you can go read your fanfictions on computer in library" the boy said.

"Well, you can go play your games to computer in library" the girl said.

"No, you know how old these things are, it wouldn't even load Minecraft, how can I play my games there" the boy said as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, always takes ages to load even the browser, I so can't do my things there" the girl said.

"Like what? Only fans?" the boy laughed.

"I don't do that stuff, you're disgusting" she girl said, finally turning to see the two FBI agents in their living room.

"Oh, I didn't know we were having guests" she said surprised. What caught the two agents' eyes was her hair dyed to purple with hot pink stripes in that went a bit above her shoulders and a pastel pink backpack in a shape of a cat to go with it, she was wearing regular ripped shorts with socks above knees with cat pattern and a hoodie clearly too big on her, the hoodie was in a similiar pink shade as her backpack and had a pattern of anime character. The boy however was wearing a T-shirt with creeper pattern on and a regular zip hoodie in dark blue and a regular pair of jeans, his hair was naturally light brown and his packpak had a spider-man print on and some game badges here and there.

"These men are from the FBI, they found some suspicious activities on our computer, come sit with us" Jared said.

The two kids sat down, putting their bags next to them, looking at the two guys in respect.

"So, you must be Tom" Morgan turned to the younger boy, he looked shocked.

"They know our names" he let out.

"'Cause dad probs told them before we came home, think" the girl said, sitting back putting one her leg over the other.

"What do you mean by suspicious?" the boy asked.

"Well, not really suspicious as I would say leading towards your computer" Rossi explained.

"I bet It's Ali's onlyfans" Tom said, looking at his sister.

"I already told you, I don't have that sh- thing" the girl said "besides, I bet you downloaded some cheats for your games and someone reported you, and now you're going to jail" the girl said with a devilish grin as the boy's face turned to pure terror.

"I don't want to go to jail, please Mr. policeman, it was just once, I promise and the other guy was cheating too" Tom nearly started crying.

"I can assured you that for cheating in game, you're not going to jail" Morgan laughed.

"No? You lied!" the boy turned to his sister.

"Well, we're here because of a site, a specific online roleplaying platform" Rossi said, the boy's head turning to side slightly, while the girl's face went pale for a second and she started playing with her choker nervously.

"I supose you know something about it" Morgan turned to her, she went slightly red.

"I-I need to use the bathroom" she said, running off quickly.

"Alison!" Jared called behind her when it was sure she disappeared in her room and not the bathroom.

"I'll go talk to her" Morgan said, already getting up "you can talk with the rest of the family here."

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