i get it, you're mad and for a reason

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It was a while since the team lost the young doctor, some have dealt with it alreay, some still refused to admit the fact and some just broke down, but got back up till now.

"You need to talk to him and make it up with him, at these times we need each other more than ever, and I'm just tired of taking sides" Emily said, spinning in one of the office chairs as she tried to talk some sense into Garcia.

"I know, I know, it's just, he promised me that Reid was going to get back well and then" Penelope's voice broke.

"I know, but there was nothing we could do at that point" Emily said in a resuring tone.

"I guess, but still" Garcia said, turning her back.

"Come on, Derek already blames himself, you don't have to make it harder for him" Emily tried one last time, Penelope just shaking her head.

"I will consider it, by the way we've got a new case" Garcia said, getting up and walking towards the door with Emily following after a sight left her lips, her and JJ were worried how things were going to end now with all the unsaid things and others blaming themselves for what happened, even JJ blamed herself and Emily just couldn't stand that, it wasn't JJ's fault, it wasn't Morgan's fault, the only one to blame was Jeffrey Don, so why couldn't the team just admit that and move on?

The team gathered in conference room and JJ began to explain the case "Four victims, youngest children of four famillies, what they had in common was that they all went to the same school, some even same classes. Now, another girl was kiddnaped and the police there is asking us for help" JJ continued on explaining the disgusting things the unsub put the poor children through.

"Alright, wheels up in thirty" Hotch announced and the team got ready to leave, when it was just Morgan and Garcia, she decided to speak up, as she hasn't done in a long time.

"Hey, Derek I..." the woman started not knowing how to continue.

"You don't have to say anything, I get it, you're mad and for a reason" he said, turning to leave.

"No, that's not, I shouldn't have made you make that promise, it was wrong of me and now you feel responsible and I just, I need you, I don't want to fight anymore, I shouldn't have yelled at you saying that it was your fault, because it clearly wasn't and now I just can't stand that we don't talk, so I'm sorry" she said, starting to cry mid-sentence.

"How could I be ever mad at you, Penelope Garcia, I'm sorry for not protecting Reid enough" Morgan said softly while hugging the girl, both of them letting out a sight of relieve that things are now good between them.

"You should probably go, not to be late, don't miss your plane" Garcia said, tears still rolling down her cheeks, she pushed Morgan's arm slightly smiling.

"You know you look better when you smile" Derek said, wiping the tears off the blonde's face.

Both of them were smiling as Derek left towards the jet to get on with their new case.


A/N: okay, this was a lil heartbreaking to write, however it has a happy ending (just the chapter, i'm not ending the book yet, dw), i just love the friendship between these two

also i'm kinda running out of ideas, so we'll probably soon get to another part that i just can't wait to write down bcs dam things r gonna get real serious when we get there, and lots of angst is awaiting after that as well

what can i say? i apologize in advance and get your tissues ready, but dw i'm planning a happy ending to the entire fanfic, we'll just have to get through the angst first

for now, baiiii

If we were to lose you /Criminal Minds\Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora