... or is it?

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A/N: okay, okay, i know im making it all difficult and all but just hear me out, ok?

so, i was watching Monk with my parents bcs my dad watches Monk and Columbo, while my mom watches basically anything and i watch well criminal minds, heheh

so, there was this one episode in Monk, idk which one, and i dont wanna spoil what is awaiting in the fanfiction, so just this fanfiction came to my mind while watching Monk, so you could say its inspired by that, but just not the same, lol

and dont worry, end is not even close by now (well, unless i die or something, like i am capable of killing myself bcs im too clumsy and stuff, not that i would want to end my life, dont worry, lol) anyways, enough about me, no one rlly cares anyways

to the story continue, bye now


Bill revealed a young man, regular shirt, seemingly bigger on him, jeans with belt and sneakers. For some reason Bill thought that the boy was a trouble maker... well, is a trouble maker since Bill has noticed the man was just sleeping.

'Got drugs and fell asleep on the train, how typical for boys his age' Bill thought to himself.

"Wake up!" he yelled, making the boy jump.

"What are you doing here? Fell asleep on the train, were you trying to run away from home, huh?" Bill asked, the other just looking around confusedly.

"I-I have no idea how I got here, I can't even remmember my own name" the boy said confusedly.

"How much drug you had?" Bill asked, raising a brow.

"I don't do drugs! or do I?" the boy asked confusedly. Bill decided to take the boy to the police, this thing was way too suspicious, or rather Bill refused to deal with this now, or ever actually.


"Hey, Victor, I found this guy in hay I bought from the train, he says he doesn't know who he is" Bill said as he entered the Clifford police station.

"Alright" the sheriff said, getting up from his chair, looking the skinny man up and down.

"Do you need me for anything else or can I go now?" Bill asked tiredly.

"Not necessarily, if anything I'll let you know" Victor said, leading the boy towards his office.

"So, you don't know your name?" the sheriff asked, taking out some paper to make notes.

"I can't remember anything actually" the brown haired boy said.

"Nothing?" Victor asked, not believing it, but telling his assistant to call a doctor.

"Well, nothing before I woke up in the hay stack" the boy said.

The doctor diagnosed the boy with amnesia, only his memory part of the brain was damaged, therefore he knows how to speak and walk, possibly some basics as writing and reading, more less.

Afterwards, the sheriff asked several question, questions the boy couldn't answer.

"Alright, we'll take a photo of you and see if anyone recognizes you" the sheriff said, the boy nodding.

But just as that was done, one of the officers came in sheriff's office.

"Sir, we have another one, Amanda Shaw, found halfway from village to train station" the officer said.

"Talk to Bill, he was apparently at train station for hay, he might have seen something" Victor told the offcer and he just nodded, leaving.

"Alright, time to go investigate, when will this end?" the sheriff mummbled to himself.

"Can I join?" the brunet asked shyly.

"I am going to a crime scene" Victor said with a raised brow.

"Is that a no?" the boy asked.

"Whatever, just don't bother anyone there" the sheriff said, walking out the room, the boy following.


At first the boy just watched quietly, but soon enought he couldn't hold himself as sheriff completely ignored the obvious.

"I think it was done by a woman" he said.

"Uh, who are you?" some officer asked.

"He's with me, some boy with amnesia" the sheriff explained.

"What does he have to say?" the officer asked again.

"We don't know that, let him talk, why do you think that?" the sheriff asked, mostly not seeming like beilieving the boy either.

"It's not likely for women to be killing women, however here we can see the cut is baggy as if the object she'd been stabbed with hessitated while stabbing her, typical women killer behavior. It's not likely for women to be killing other women, as I said before, the statistics for that are nearly at zero, but it happens, mosty comes with body unsecurity or some kind of mark on the woman's face, something she feel bad about, something these ladies don't have. She might see herself as ugly or fat as she would say, even if others wouldn't. Or pheraps her victims got noticed by someone she wanted to be noticed by as well, however these ladies took that from her, therefore she killed them" the boy said, the other two watching in amazament.

"Who are you?" the sheriff asked, absolutely amazed.

"I wonder that as well" the boy replied.

"Wanda McEllister, last year she had a surgery which caused her chest to be uneven, she felt bad about it since then" the officer said.

"Bring her in for a talk" the sheriff said, still amazed by the mysterious boy.

Wanda admitted to comitting all the murders in the end, the sheriff got the idea of looking in FBI databaze for the boys identity, without a result.

"This isn't possible, how would he know all that" the officer asked, looking at the sheriff.

"Or is it?" the sheriff Victor said, raising his brow.

"He's just weird, I don't know, something seems off about him" the officer said.

No one has heard or seen the boy before, he had nowhere to go until he remembers. So Victor took him to his house, he could afford that as he was single and living alone in a quite big house.

Quantico, Virginia

As JJ was introducing the team to a new case, the given case was suddenly cancelled.

"Wait, they just cancelled it" JJ said in surprise.

"Did they say why?" Rossi asked.

"They caught the killer, so they don't need our help anymore" JJ read out.

"So, we're not going to Clifford? No solving mysterious deaths of women?" Prentiss asked.

"No, they cancelled it" JJ confirmed, still surprised.

"So, free weekend, yay!" Emily said, getting up and when no one stopped her, she left.

"Don't worry about it, it happens that they catch the unsub before we get to the case files" Rossi assured her.

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