Ch.2: I don't need your help, Niall

Start from the beginning

          He left and I glanced back at the guys. “I had to tell him you were my sister so we could come visit you,” explained Louis.
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t really want them to be here anymore, I just wanted them to leave. Much to my dismay Niall said, “We will take you home. And don’t worry about figuring insurance out, I’ve already got people started on that,”

“You don’t have to bring me home, I can call someone,” I said looking down at my hands.
“Nonsense, it’s the least we can do! And don’t worry, we won’t be driving this time, Paul just texted me – said he was here,” said Louis putting his phone back in his butt pocket.

          I sighed, all I really wanted was to be in my bed. Alone. Apparently I wore my emotions on my face because Niall asked, “Do you not want us to take you home?”
“It doesn’t matter!” exclaimed Louis, “We are taking her home whether she likes it or not,”
Nurse Gina came in and checked me over once more. “You’ll be a little dizzy when you walk today, so try to stay down as much as possible. You’re free to go once you sign these release forms,” she said with a smile handing me papers held together by a clipboard. I signed and sat up slowly. Niall and Louis came over and took my arms to help me stand up. I didn’t want their help, but I didn’t say anything. We walked out to the lobby where we met by-

“Paul!” Louis said with a smile,
“Not happy with you Lou. Taking Niall out to practice driving the streets of America. We’ll talk later. There are too many paps and fans outside, we need to go through the ambulance exit. The hospital isn’t happy about that so we need to get going. Now.” He said as he led us down a nearby hallway.

          Once we were in the black window-tinted van, I felt better now that I was on my way back to my dorm. I gave directions to the driver and closed my eyes. For the time being I was going to imagine I wasn’t in a One Direction van, and try to zone out. Niall wasn’t helping though, he kept trying to talk to me.
“Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need anything to eat or drink? Do you have enough pillows at your dorm? I can get you anything to make you more comfortable,” I mumbled a no and tried to ignore him. When the van stopped I opened my eyes and discovered we were outside my building. I got up and Louis and Niall were quick to help me out of the van and to the front door of the building before I said forcefully, “I got it, thanks,”

          “Feisty!” Louis said playfully. He got the message though and added, “We really are sorry Suzan. If there is anything at all you need, don’t hesitate to ask, we put our numbers in your phone when you were sleeping,” I gave a small fake smile and said,
“Thanks Louis,”
He gave me a careful hug and bounded back to the van. Niall however had opened the door for me. “Thanks Niall,” I said quietly. He followed me inside and down the hall, and took my keys when I was fumbling to unlock my door. He held the door open for me again and I said, “Alright well, bye,”

          I went and laid down on my bed with my eyes closed. I realized after a few seconds I hadn’t heard my door close so I looked up and saw Niall still standing there awkwardly.   

“Are you mad at me?” he asked hesitantly
“Why would I be mad?” I asked confused
“Because I wrecked your car…”
“No,” I honestly wasn’t upset about that, he said he was going to pay for it and he obviously could afford it, so I wasn’t concerned about that at all. Besides it was just a car, it wasn’t like I had a friend in the passenger seat that got really badly hurt.
“Then why are you acting so put off?” he asked a little more boldly.
I wasn’t sure how to really answer that. I couldn’t tell him the real reason – my insecurities about myself, and how being around someone like him made me feel even worse.

“Just tired,” I said wishing he would leave. I got a tight throat and I wasn’t going to cry in front of him.

          Niall looked at me with a cocked head and raised eyebrow.
“So you wouldn’t mind it if I came to see you after some interviews tomorrow?” he asked testing me.
“Oh, um, well that’s not a good idea. I have lots of homework to do, so I don’t really have time to see anyone tomorrow,” I lied. I had all my homework done before the concert.
“Oh, right…okay,” he said a little dejected, “Do you have someone who can wake you up like the nurse was saying?”
I thought about Emily, but I didn’t want to explain to her the accident. She would be so upset with me that I “blew my chance when I met part of One Direction.”
“Umm…” I started, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I could tell her I crashed into a tree… That might actually work.
“Don’t worry, I’ll call you during the night. Just answer and say you’re okay, and you can go back to bed,” he said
“No, you don’t have to do that. I have other people who can wake me up, really, it’s fine,” I said almost pleading.
“Please, let me do this, I feel awful,”

I didn’t want him helping me because he felt bad. I didn’t want to be a charity case. If he were to call me I would want it to be because he liked me whether it be as a friend or more. Not so he can make something up to me.

“No, Niall. Thank you but no. You are taking care of the damage, you brought me home, you’re fine. You don’t have to feel awful. You should probably go, before you get in more trouble,” I said trying to get him to leave. I could feel my eyes burn and the lump in my throat get bigger.

          He looked down and ran his fingers through his blonde hair. After taking a big sigh he said, “Yeah, alright. I’m sorry Suzan,” and with that he left. I burst out in tears and cried silently, even though it made my head hurt.

          Why couldn’t I accept the fact that Niall and Louis were being nice? Why did I have to go compare myself to them and make myself feel like crap? Just because I’m not famous doesn’t mean I’m not somebody, it doesn’t mean they can’t be around me. But nobody, not even non famous people notice me. Once I got sat on, like full on Princess Diaries, I was sat on. Another time back in high school, it was over halfway through the year and I was called on in class to answer a question. One of the popular guys looked up and said, “Who is Suzan Wittlebear?” we had been in the same class for months and he didn’t know. Then he went on to ask if I was a “wittle bear,” in a baby voice. So the fact that I don’t like standing out is because I’m so used to blending in, and when super-hot One Direction members talk to me I get so self-conscious I don’t even know what to do with myself. I was glad I was alone though. I knew I wasn’t supposed to but I fell asleep until Emily came in that night and I told her my story about hitting a tree.

A/N: Hey guys, if you're returning back for more, thanks for keeping updated, if you're just starting up, thanks for reading! Let me know what you think through votes and comments and I will dedicate chapters!!

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