"Do me a favor?"

"Depends," she answers.

"Text me and let me know when you're in for the night? It keeps my worrying at bay."

She nods her head in response. "You've got it. I'll talk to you soon."

"Bye babe," I say just before she ends the call.


Opal POV

   A smile consumes my face as well as my heart as I look around Lily and Jameson's dining room, taking in each of my friends. Friendsgiving is well underway.

   Our get togethers are always full of laughter and joy. Sometimes there's an occasional argument over a recent football game, NFL or college, as the men take their sports pretty seriously. But overall, it's usually pretty tame and just full of excitement.

   "I disagree," Anthony starts. "The Jaguars haven't been even a DECENT team since the years of Brunell, Boselli and Taylor."

   Jameson shakes his head. "I think a new coach could make a big difference."

   "Coaches aren't the ones playing, though. They can only do so much."

  I just sit back and continue to listen to the banter. 

  "Ope!" Lily's call causes me to startle back to the other conversations taking place at the table.

  "Hmm," turning  my attention to her end of the table.

   "I asked how things were going with Pops."

   "Oh! He's getting stronger. Being at the rehab center has been well. The nurse there said he may go home in another week," I tell her.

   "Is he going to stay with you?" Rae asks before spooning up another bite of her mashed potatoes.

   I give her the 'are you kidding' look. "You know him. He wants to stay independent as long as he can."

  "Any idea of when you both might see your officers again?" Lily asks, pointing this question to both Laura and myself. 

  We share a glance before either of answer. "Not really," Laura answers first.

  "Chris is hopeful that this will all be wrapped up before Christmas." I shrug. "But, who knows."

  "Things still going okay with both of you?" Another question directed to us both.

  "I'm doing alright," I say, hopeful that the inquisition can stop there, casting a glance at Laura effectively letting her know she can answer at any time.

  I see her eyes are glazed over a bit, just as she lifts her napkin to dab at her eyes before the tears have a chance to fall. "Laura?" I say softly.

  "I'm completely head over heels for him." We all are surprised by this statement, even the men have stopped their conversation at this revelation. "I know, I know," she says with a chuckle. "But, I am." 

   "Heaven's to Betsy, has our 'Samantha' found 'the one?'" Lily asks, wide eyed as she scoots her chair back. I begin helping her clear the plates as Rae and Anthony start teasing Laura. 

   I am just as shocked as Lily by the news. 'The One' has never been a thought in Laura's mind, happily having fling after fling and only short term relationships. I'm just about to jump in on the teasing, after returning from the kitchen, when Jameson's phone rings.

   "No way!" he says with excitement and a smile as he slides his thumb over to answer the incoming call. "Chris! What's up brother?"

   My heart immediately jumps at just hearing his name. 

   "Happy Thanksgiving, man!" I hear him respond from the other side of the screen. "Am I late?"

   I look over my shoulder at Lily who is walking back into the dining room. "What is he talking about?" I whisper to her. She shrugs her shoulders in response.

   "Nah! You're right on time," Jameson answers him. He flips the phone around to pan Chris' face around the table. "Everybody, say 'hi' to Chris!" 

   "Hey man!" Anthony calls out with a wave.

   "Hey, Chris!" Rae and Laura both say at the same time. 

   "We miss you, Chris," Lily says as she sets the pies onto the table.

   Jameson flips the phone back around. "That's everybody, right?"  I'm standing off to the side as I hadn't made it quite to the table yet.

   "You better let me see my girl, Jameson." Chris demands with authority as Jameson just laughs.

   He quickly flips the phone in  my direction only to turn it back just as quick. "There ya go, ya saw her."

   "Don't make me do to you what I did back in Academy."

   Jameson's laughing nature quickly changes as he turns the phone around once more just as I go back to take my seat. 

   "Hey gorgeous," Chris says with a smile.

   "Hi, handsome. What are you doing calling?"

   "Well, I couldn't be there in person, so I thought I'd try and call to join for dessert. If that's okay?" His eyebrow raises to accompany the question.

   "Always," I answer with a kind smile, taking the phone from Jameson's hand to set in front of my place setting.

   "Hopefully, Jameson remembered the surprise," he says. Jameson jumps up from his spot at the head of the table before jogging into the kitchen.

  "What have you got up your sleeve, officer?" I question him.

  He holds his hands up in defense. "Not what I'd actually like to be surprising you with. As you can see, it's not me, since I'm sitting here in my apartment. But hopefully it brings a small smile to your face."

   "I wish you were here though," I sigh. 

  Chris' expression turns sad again, like it did on Thanksgiving. "Hey. I didn't mean anything by that, except I want you to know I miss you," I tell him, an effort being made to lift his mood and keep him from worrying about where my head is at.

   "I remembered!" Jameson calls out as he walks in from the kitchen, a plate being held high in the air, out of eye sight.  "For you, Opal. From your obviously not so secret admirer." He places the plate in front of me.

   I giggle aloud as I see my favorite pumpkin and cream cheese muffins from Cafe Shay. Glancing back into the camera phone I mouth "Thank you," as my friends all continue their laughter. I see Chris' eyes light up again. They held the same sweetness behind them the night we went to get Mexican after Pops was admitted to the hospital, and he ordered my favorite churros because he'd been told they were a comfort food. 

   "Now, I may not be there to enjoy the moment in person. But, I've got my pie," he holds up a plate that had previously been out of screen, "and you've got your muffins. Let's enjoy dessert together." 

   A loud eruption of cheers comes from the table of 5 as I just continue to stare at the man sitting 300 miles away from me. My joyful heart attempting to burst, even as a sadness creeps in. 

   Right on cue, as if he can sense the change in me, Chris gives me a wink accompanied by a half smile. He holds up a forkful of pie out to his phone as I do the same with a pinch of muffin.

   "Cheers, Ope."


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